import tkinter
service = { #This is the dictionary that holds all of the services and their associated prices
'Mergers and Acquisitions':3000,
'Business Valuations':2000,
'Financial Analysis & Operational Ideas':5000,
'Strategic Planning Services':3500,
'Specialized Strategic Consultion Services':4000,
'Litigation Support':6000,
'': 0
services = [ #This is the list that holds all of the services (Used for the GUI output)
'Mergers and Acquisitions',
'Business Valuations',
'Financial Analysis & Operational Ideas',
'Strategic Planning Services',
'Specialized Strategic Consultion Services',
'Litigation Support'
window = tkinter.Tk() #Creates the window (GUI)
class QuotaCalc:
## A class that asks for data about a client and then calculates
## both the time required for the service and the total estimate cost
def __init__(self, main, cust_name = 'none', co_size = 0, option1=None, option2=None, option3=None): ##This initializes the class with all of the variables that we will use
self.co_name = tkinter.Label(main, text = 'Customer/Company Name', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=20, column=1) #This displays text, the font is the font, and this tells the program what to display
self.co_name_input = tkinter.Entry(main).grid(row=20, column=3) #Allows user to input information #by putting both on row 0, it alligns the text
# can add in blank lables to space out the boxes (reduce the font to something small) on the GUI
clicked = tkinter.StringVar() #initalizing "clicked" as a string variable
clicked2 = tkinter.StringVar()
clicked3 = tkinter.StringVar()
clicked.set(services[0]) #Text to be displayed on the menu dropdown
timeRequired = 0 #Initializing the variable timeRequired
comp_size_input = tkinter.IntVar() #Initializing the variable comp_size_input, to be called later in the myClicker function for the calculation
self.co_size = tkinter.Label(main, text = 'Company Size', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=40, column=1) #Company Size Label
self.comp_size_input = tkinter.Entry(main) #Company Size Input Box
self.comp_size_input.grid(row=40, column=3) #Packing the Company Size Label
self.option_1 = tkinter.Label(main, text = 'Service 1 Needed', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=60, column=1) #Service Label
drop = tkinter.StringVar() #Initalizing the variable drop (for the drop box input)
self.drop = tkinter.OptionMenu( main , clicked , *service ) #DropBox Entry Options
self.drop.grid(row = 60, column = 3) #packs the variable drop to the screen at the grid coordinates
#dropped = tkinter.StringVar(drop) Done in the myClicker function
self.option_2 = tkinter.Label(main, text = 'Service 2 Needed', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=80, column=1) #Service 2 Label
drop2 = tkinter.StringVar() #Initalizing the variable drop2 (for the drop box input)
self.drop2 = tkinter.OptionMenu( main , clicked2 , *service ) #DropBox Entry Options
self.drop2.grid(row = 80, column = 3) #packs the variable drop2 to the screen at the grid coordinates
#dropped2 = tkinter.StringVar(drop2)
self.option_3 = tkinter.Label(main, text = 'Service 3 Needed', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=100, column=1) #Service 3 Label
drop3 = tkinter.StringVar() #Initalizing the variable drop3 (for the drop box input)
self.drop3 = tkinter.OptionMenu( main , clicked3 , *service ) #DropBox Entry Options
self.drop3.grid(row = 100, column = 3) #packs the variable drop3 to the screen at the grid coordinates
#dropped3 = tkinter.StringVar(drop3)
self.bt = tkinter.Button(main, text='Calculate', command = self.myClick, fg = "purple", bg = "light blue").grid(row=120, column=2) #Creates the Calculate button to run the code that finds the total cost and time required ##fg is foreground (color), bg is background (color)
#Need to convert to when the button presses, it runs other functions of the class
time_req = tkinter.Label(window, text = 'Time Required', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=140, column=1) #Creates the label Time Required to describe the output
total_cost = tkinter.Label(window, text = 'Price Quote', font=('Arial Narrow', 20)).grid(row=160, column=1) #Creates the label Total Cost to describe the output
# To fix the calcuation problem, maybe make a boolean to see if the button has been clicked and set it to false, when the boolean becomes true run the functions that do the math?
def myClick(self): #A function that activates once the button has been clicked and is desigend to calculate the total cost and time required for the services and output it to the GUI
comp_size = self.comp_size_input.get() #Initalizes the variable copm_size to be used in the time required calcuation
comp_size = int(comp_size) #Converts the variable comp size into an int
drop = str(self.drop) #Initializes and converts the chosen options for services 1, 2, and 3 into a string so they can be used to look up the prices in the service dictionary
drop2 = str(self.drop2)
drop3 = str(self.drop3)
timeRequired = 0
cost = 0
if comp_size == 0: #This determines how much time will be necessary based on the size of the company
self.timeRequired = 0 #Need to add data validation for the company size
elif comp_size <= 20:
self.timeRequired = 1
elif comp_size <= 40:
self.timeRequired = 2
elif comp_size <= 60:
self.timeRequired = 3
elif comp_size <= 80:
self.timeRequired = 4
elif comp_size <= 100:
self.timeRequired = 5
elif comp_size <= 150:
self.timeRequired = 6
self.timeRequired = 8
cost = timeRequired * service[drop] #This section is used to determine the total costs based off of the services and the amount of time for the all the services
if self.drop2 != '':
cost += self.timeRequired * service[drop2]
if self.drop3 != '':
cost += self.timeRequired * service[drop3]
myLabel = tkinter.Label(window,text = timeRequired) #Designed to show the total time required and the total cost outputted on the GUI screen
myLabel.grid(row=140, column=3)
myLabel2 = tkinter.Label(window, text = cost)
myLabel2.grid(row=160, column=3)
logo = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=r"C:\Users\brian\OneDrive\Documents\TCU\Junior Year\Second Semester\Business Information System Development INSC 30833\Bar Ad Pic.PNG")
w1 = tkinter.Label(window, image=logo).grid(row=0, column = 2) #Displays the picture at this grid coordinate
window.title('Barrington Advisory Quota Calculator') #Window Title
window.geometry('1000x500') #Sets the size of the window
# window.configure(bg='light blue') <- If we want to change the color of the background
e = QuotaCalc(window)
window.mainloop() #Tells the program to continue running until the GUI is closed