
tzcvj98z  于 2021-07-29  发布在  Java


║   Country_table     ║
║ Country_Name ║ Code ║
║ India        ║    1 ║
║ UK           ║    2 ║
║ france       ║    3 ║
║ germany      ║    4 ║


║                                 Trade_Details                                  ║
║ TradeID ║ ProductID ║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ Curruncy ║ Amount ║ Date       ║
║ T1      ║ P1        ║ 1           ║ 3         ║ INR      ║ 10     ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T2      ║ P2        ║ 3           ║ 2         ║ USD      ║ 11     ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ P1        ║ 1           ║ 4         ║ GBP      ║ 12     ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T4      ║ P2        ║ 2           ║ 3         ║ INR      ║ 13     ║ 21/01/2020 ║
║ T5      ║ P1        ║ 1           ║ 4         ║ USD      ║ 14     ║ 22/01/2020 ║
║ T6      ║ P2        ║ 4           ║ 2         ║ GBP      ║ 15     ║ 23/01/2020 ║
║ T7      ║ P1        ║ 3           ║ 1         ║ INR      ║ 16     ║ 24/01/2020 ║
║ T8      ║ P2        ║ 3           ║ 1         ║ USD      ║ 17     ║ 25/01/2020 ║
║ T9      ║ P1        ║ 2           ║ 3         ║ GBP      ║ 18     ║ 26/01/2020 ║
║ T10     ║ P2        ║ 1           ║ 4         ║ INR      ║ 19     ║ 27/01/2020 ║
║ T11     ║ P1        ║ 3           ║ 1         ║ USD      ║ 20     ║ 28/01/2020 ║
║ T12     ║ P2        ║ 1           ║ 1         ║ GBP      ║ 21     ║ 29/01/2020 ║
║ T13     ║ P1        ║ 2           ║ 2         ║ INR      ║ 22     ║ 30/01/2020 ║


║                   TradeStatus_Table                   ║
║ TradeID ║ StatusCode ║ StatusDescription ║ Date       ║
║ T1      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB1      ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB2      ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB3      ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T1      ║ delivered  ║ delivered         ║ 01/01/2020 ║
║ T2      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB1      ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB2      ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB3      ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T2      ║ Returned   ║ returned to home  ║ 10/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB1      ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB2      ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB3      ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB4      ║ 20/01/2020 ║
║ T3      ║ inProcess  ║ Reached HUB5      ║ 20/01/2020 ║


Delivered : This column represents the total number of transactions final status as either delivered or returned.

InProcess : This column represents the total number of transactions doesn't contains final status as either delivered or returned.  

║                         Report   1 (example)                        ║
║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ Delivered ║ inProcess ║ Description       ║
║ India       ║ UK        ║ 1         ║ 1         ║ total transactions║
║ UK          ║ India     ║ 2         ║ 1         ║ total transactions║
║ France      ║ India     ║ 2         ║ 1         ║ total transactions║

No of Trades : This column contains Total number of transactions were made between from country and to country.

Total Trade Value :- This column contains Total sum of value of the transactions made between from country and to country based on currency type. 
║                          Report   2 (example)                         ║
║ FromCountry ║ ToCountry ║ No of Trades ║ Currency ║ Total Trade Value ║
║ India       ║ UK        ║ 2            ║ INR      ║ 1000              ║
║ India       ║ UK        ║ 1            ║ USD      ║ 10                ║
║ UK          ║ India     ║ 2            ║ GBP      ║ 10                ║
║ France      ║ India     ║ 1            ║ INR      ║ 20                ║


select source.Country_name, destination.country_name, count(*)
from Trade_Details, Country_table source, Country_table destination
where date > '2020/01/01 00:00:00'
and date <'2020/02/01/ 00:00:00'
and FromCountry = source.code
and ToCountry =destination.code
group by source.Country_name, destination.country_name


select source.Country_name as source, destination.country_name as destination, count(*) as  inprocessCount
from Trade_Details a1, Country_table source, Country_table destination
where date > '2020/01/01 00:00:00'
and date <'2020/02/01/ 00:00:00'
and FromCountry = source.code
and ToCountry =destination.code
and 0=(select count(*) from Trade_Details a2 where (a2.StatusCode='delivered' or a2.StatusCode='Returned') and a1.TradeID=a2.TradeID)
group by source.Country_name, destination.country_name





SELECT source.country_name       AS FromCountry, 
       destination.country_name  AS ToCountry, 
       Count(Trdsts1.statuscode) AS Delivered, 
       Count(Trdsts2.statuscode) AS inProcess, 
       'no of messages'          AS Description 
FROM   trade_details Trddts, 
       tradestatus_table Trdsts1, 
       tradestatus_table Trdsts2, 
       country_table source, 
       country_table destination 
WHERE  Trddts.date > '2020/01/01 00:00:00' 
       AND Trddts.date < '2020/02/01/ 00:00:00' 
       AND Trdsts1.tradeid = Trddts.tradeid 
       AND Trdsts2.tradeid = Trddts.tradeid 
       AND Trdsts1.statuscode = "delivered"  
       AND Trdsts2.statuscode ="inprocess" 
       AND source.code = Trddts.fromcountry 
       AND destination.code = Trddts.tocountry
