我可以使用带有变量字符串的postgres text\u pattern\u ops索引吗?

vybvopom  于 2021-08-13  发布在  Java

我正在改进postgres文本搜索查询,以确保尽可能使用所有可用的索引。我在一个文本列上有一个text\u pattern\u obs btree索引,该索引使用了一个简单的查询,如:

set enable_seqscan = off; -- ensure that indexes are used even on small tables for this demo
select * from search_table where text_column like 'example'


with user_input as (select 'example%' as query_string)
select * from search_table, user_input where text_column like query_string

我试过键入casting query\u string::text等,但没有成功。我不能直接将字符串插入到sql中,因为在其他查询执行之前它是未知的。




create table t(x int, y text);
create index fts on t(y text_pattern_ops);
insert into t values(1, 'example');
insert into t values(2, 'examples');
insert into t values(3, 'aaa');
insert into t values(4, 'zzz zzz');
analyze t;
set enable_seqscan = off;


select * from t;
     x |    y     
     1 | example
     2 | examples
     3 | aaa
     4 | zzz zzz
    (4 rows)

   explain analyze select * from t where y like 'example';
                                               QUERY PLAN                                               
 Index Scan using fts on t  (cost=0.13..8.15 rows=1 width=11) (actual time=0.012..0.013 rows=1 loops=1)
   Index Cond: (y = 'example'::text)
   Filter: (y ~~ 'example'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.111 ms
 Execution Time: 0.030 ms
(5 rows)

explain analyze select * from t where y like 'example%';
                                               QUERY PLAN                                               
 Index Scan using fts on t  (cost=0.13..8.15 rows=1 width=11) (actual time=0.006..0.007 rows=2 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((y ~>=~ 'example'::text) AND (y ~<~ 'examplf'::text))
   Filter: (y ~~ 'example%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.140 ms
 Execution Time: 0.014 ms
(5 rows)

explain analyze with user_input as (select 'example%' as query_string)
select * from t, user_input where y like query_string;
                                                      QUERY PLAN                                                  

 Nested Loop  (cost=10000000000.01..10000000001.15 rows=1 width=43) (actual time=0.008..0.011 rows=2 loops=1)
   Join Filter: (t.y ~~ user_input.query_string)
   Rows Removed by Join Filter: 2
   CTE user_input
     ->  Result  (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=1)
   ->  Seq Scan on t  (cost=10000000000.00..10000000001.04 rows=4 width=11) (actual time=0.003..0.003 rows=4 loops
   ->  CTE Scan on user_input  (cost=0.00..0.02 rows=1 width=32) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=4)
 Planning Time: 0.049 ms
 Execution Time: 0.031 ms
(9 rows)

prepare s1(text) as select * from t where y like $1;
explain analyze execute s1('example%');
                                               QUERY PLAN                                               
 Index Scan using fts on t  (cost=0.13..8.15 rows=1 width=11) (actual time=0.012..0.014 rows=2 loops=1)
   Index Cond: ((y ~>=~ 'example'::text) AND (y ~<~ 'examplf'::text))
   Filter: (y ~~ 'example%'::text)
 Planning Time: 0.089 ms
 Execution Time: 0.023 ms
(5 rows)
