AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'node'
@cog_ext.cog_slash(name="play", guild_ids=guild_ids, description="Play song")
async def play(self, ctx, *, query: str):
""" Searches and plays a song from a given query. """
# Get the player for this guild from cache.
player = self.bot.lavalink.player_manager.get(ctx.guild.id)
# Remove leading and trailing <>. <> may be used to suppress embedding links in Discord.
query = query.strip('<>')
# Check if the user input might be a URL. If it isn't, we can Lavalink do a YouTube search for it instead.
# SoundCloud searching is possible by prefixing "scsearch:" instead.
if not url_rx.match(query):
query = f'ytsearch:{query}'
# Get the results for the query from Lavalink.
results = await player.node.get_tracks(query)
# Results could be None if Lavalink returns an invalid response (non-JSON/non-200 (OK)).
# ALternatively, resullts['tracks'] could be an empty array if the query yielded no tracks.
if not results or not results['tracks']:
return await ctx.send('Nothing found!')