我知道闭包是如何工作的,但我无法理解如何在react中创建过时的闭包 useEffect
在没有穷举依赖项数组的情况下。为此,我试图复制一个过时的闭包,就像react的一样 useEffect
不使用 useEffect
我做错了什么?我应该怎么做才能创建一个像我们在react中得到的那样陈旧的闭包呢 useEffect
当我们没有在useeffect中给出详尽的依赖项时,为什么会创建过时的闭包?为什么代码不在 useEffect
function createIncrement(incBy) {
let value = 0;
function increment() {
value += incBy;
function useEffect(fun) {
useEffect(function() {
setInterval(function log() {
// what should I do to create a stale closure here?
// So that if I change the value it should show me the old value
// as it does when using React's useEffect without exhaustive dependencies array
console.log(`Count is: ${value}`); // prints correct value each time
}, 2000);
setTimeout(() => {
increment(); // increments to 5
increment(); // increments to 6
}, 5000);
return [increment];
const [increment] = createIncrement(1);
increment(); // increments to 1
increment(); // increments to 2
increment(); // increments to 3
increment(); // increments to 4
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./styles.css";
function WatchCount() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
useEffect(function () {
setInterval(function log() {
// No matter how many times you increase the counter
// by pressing the button below,
// this will always log count as 0
console.log(`Count is: ${count}`);
}, 2000);
}, []);
return (
<button onClick={() => setCount(count + 1)}>Increase</button>
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<WatchCount />, rootElement);