Sentinel How to distinguish exceptions in metrics?如何在指标统计中区分不同的异常?

dddzy1tm  于 2021-11-29  发布在  Java

Issue Description

  • feature request*

Describe what happened (or what feature you want)

How to distinguish exceptions in metrics?

Describe what you expected to happen

If you visit http://ip:port/metrics, you will get resourceName, passQps, blockQps and so on. But there is no metric to distinguish the real exceptions. After reading the code, I found that there is exception infomation in sentinel-block.log. Could the metrics be filled with exception infomation in the future?

http://ip:port/metrics 接口中,获取到的metric数据包含了资源名、通过流量、拒绝流量等信息,但是无法区分时间窗口内的请求是什么原因被拒绝的。比如是FlowException还是DegradeException。在sentinel-block.log中有异常相关信息,看了源码当前还没有读取sentinel-block.log相关的逻辑。请问会将sentinel-block.log的异常信息整合到metric相关数据中吗?

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)

  1. Visit http://ip:port/metrics
  2. Check the result, there is no exception infomation.
  3. 访问 http://ip:port/metrics
  4. 获取的信息中没有异常相关信息。

Tell us your environment

sentinel 1.8.0

Anything else we need to know?




It's not planned yet. Discussions are welcomed!
