Cloudreve Stored XSS in the markdown preview functionality. Markdown 预览功能中存在存储型 XSS 漏洞

8ehkhllq  于 2021-12-01  发布在  Java

Describe the bug

The markdown preview functionality will cause stored XSS attack, which doesn't require user interaction.
Markdown 预览功能会导致存储型 XSS 攻击,而且不需要用户交互。

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a new file with ".txt" or ".md" extension. 创建个 .md 或者 .txt 拓展的新文件
  2. Paste the following code.
<img src="x" onerror="alert('xss')">
  1. Share the file and add /text after the URL. 在 URL 后面加上 /text
  2. Send the link to victims. 把链接发送给受害者

Visit for example.

Expected behavior

No JavaScript code in markdown preview should be executed. 不执行任何 Markdown 预览中的 JavaScript 代码


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: non-specific
  • Browser: non-specific

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: non-specific


