Paddle 【飞桨论文复现赛-第六期】自定义外部算子动态图预测正常,导出静态图后推理异常

lg40wkob  于 2022-04-21  发布在  Java

bug描述 Describe the Bug


环境:aistudio gpu 至尊 paddlepaddle==2.2.2







其他补充信息 Additional Supplementary Information


环境:aistudio gpu 至尊 paddlepaddle==2.2.2







外部算子C++代码(,, psamask.cc代码如下:

# include "paddle/extension.h"

# include <vector>

# define CHECK_INPUT(x) PD_CHECK( == paddle::PlaceType::kCPU, #x " must be a CPU Tensor.")

# ifndef min

# define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

# endif

# ifndef max

# define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

# endif

template <typename data_t>
void psamask_collect_forward_kernel(const data_t* x_data,
                             data_t* out_data,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  for(int i{0}; i<num_*feature_H_*feature_H_*feature_W_*feature_W_; ++i) {
      out_data[i] = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < num_; n++) {
    for(int h = 0; h < feature_H_; h++) {
        for(int w = 0; w < feature_W_; w++) {
        // effective mask region : [hstart, hend) x [wstart, wend) with mask-indexed
            const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
            const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
            // (hidx,                    widx                   ) with mask-indexed
            // (hidx + h - half_mask_H_, widx + w - half_mask_W_) with feature-indexed
            for (int hidx = hstart; hidx < hend; hidx++) {
                for (int widx = wstart; widx < wend; widx++) {
                    out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w] = x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
void psamask_distribute_forward_kernel(const data_t* x_data,
                             data_t* out_data,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  for(int i{0}; i<num_*feature_H_*feature_H_*feature_W_*feature_W_; ++i) {
      out_data[i] = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < num_; n++) {
    for(int h = 0; h < feature_H_; h++) {
        for(int w = 0; w < feature_W_; w++) {
        // effective mask region : [hstart, hend) x [wstart, wend) with mask-indexed
            const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
            const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
            // (hidx,                    widx                   ) with mask-indexed
            // (hidx + h - half_mask_H_, widx + w - half_mask_W_) with feature-indexed
            for (int hidx = hstart; hidx < hend; hidx++) {
                for (int widx = wstart; widx < wend; widx++) {
                    out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)] = x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
void psamask_collect_backward_kernel(const data_t* grad_out_data,
                            data_t* grad_x_data,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  for (int i{0}; i < num_ * mask_H_ * mask_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; ++i){
      grad_x_data[i] = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < num_; n++) {
    for(int h = 0; h < feature_H_; h++) {
        for(int w = 0; w < feature_W_; w++) {
        // effective mask region : [hstart, hend) x [wstart, wend) with mask-indexed
            const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
            const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
            // (hidx,                    widx                   ) with mask-indexed
            // (hidx + h - half_mask_H_, widx + w - half_mask_W_) with feature-indexed
            for (int hidx = hstart; hidx < hend; hidx++) {
                for (int widx = wstart; widx < wend; widx++) {
                    grad_x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w] = grad_out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
void psamask_distribute_backward_kernel(const data_t* grad_out_data,
                            data_t* grad_x_data,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  for (int i{0}; i < num_ * mask_H_ * mask_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; ++i){
      grad_x_data[i] = 0;
  for(int n = 0; n < num_; n++) {
    for(int h = 0; h < feature_H_; h++) {
        for(int w = 0; w < feature_W_; w++) {
        // effective mask region : [hstart, hend) x [wstart, wend) with mask-indexed
            const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
            const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
            const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
            // (hidx,                    widx                   ) with mask-indexed
            // (hidx + h - half_mask_H_, widx + w - half_mask_W_) with feature-indexed
            for (int hidx = hstart; hidx < hend; hidx++) {
                for (int widx = wstart; widx < wend; widx++) {
                    grad_x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w] = grad_out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)];

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCPUForward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {

  auto out = paddle::Tensor(paddle::PlaceType::kCPU, std::vector<int64_t>{num_, feature_H_ * feature_W_, feature_H_, feature_W_});

  if (psa_type == 0) {
        x.type(), "psamask_collect_forward_kernel", ([&] {
      <data_t>(), out.mutable_data<data_t>(, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                            mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);
        x.type(), "psamask_distribute_forward_kernel", ([&] {
      <data_t>(),  out.mutable_data<data_t>(, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                            mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

  return {out};

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCPUBackward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& out,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& grad_out,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {

  auto grad_x = paddle::Tensor(paddle::PlaceType::kCPU, x.shape());

  if (psa_type == 0) {
    PD_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(out.type(), "psamask_collect_backward_kernel", ([&] {
                                    num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                             mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);
  } else {
      PD_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(out.type(), "psamask_distribute_backward_kernel", ([&] {
                                    num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                             mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

  return {grad_x};

// NOTE: If your custom operator may be compiled in an environment with CUDA,
// or it may be compiled in an environment without CUDA, in order to adapt the
// compilation environment, you can use the PADDLE_WITH_CUDA macro control
// the CUDA related code.


std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCUDAForward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_);
std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCUDABackward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& out,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& grad_out,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_);

# endif

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskForward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  if ( == paddle::PlaceType::kCPU) {
    return PSAMaskCPUForward(x, psa_type, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_, mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);


  } else if ( == paddle::PlaceType::kGPU) {
    return PSAMaskCUDAForward(x, psa_type, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_, mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

# endif

  } else {
    PD_THROW("Unsupported device type for forward function of custom relu operator.");

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskBackward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
                                         const paddle::Tensor& out,
                                         const paddle::Tensor& grad_out,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
  if ( == paddle::PlaceType::kCPU) {
    return PSAMaskCPUBackward(x, out, grad_out, psa_type, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_, mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);


  } else if ( == paddle::PlaceType::kGPU) {
    return PSAMaskCUDABackward(x, out, grad_out, psa_type, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_, mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

# endif

  } else {
    PD_THROW("Unsupported device type for backward function of custom relu operator.");

// 维度推导
std::vector<std::vector<int64_t>> PSAMaskInferShape(const std::vector<int64_t> x_shape) {
    return {std::vector<int64_t>{x_shape[0], x_shape[2] * x_shape[3], x_shape[2], x_shape[3]}};

// 类型推导
std::vector<paddle::DataType> PSAMaskInferDtype(paddle::DataType x_dtype) {
  return {x_dtype};

        "psa_type: int",
        "num_: int",
        "feature_H_: int",
        "feature_W_: int",
        "mask_H_: int",
        "mask_W_: int",
        "half_mask_H_: int",
        "half_mask_W_: int"})

    .Inputs({"X", "Out", paddle::Grad("Out")})
        "psa_type: int",
        "num_: int",
        "feature_H_: int",
        "feature_W_: int",
        "mask_H_: int",
        "mask_W_: int",
        "half_mask_H_: int",
        "half_mask_W_: int"})


# include "paddle/extension.h"

# include <vector>

# define CHECK_GPU_INPUT(x) PD_CHECK( == paddle::PlaceType::kGPU, #x " must be a GPU Tensor.")

# ifndef min

# define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

# endif

# ifndef max

# define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))

# endif

template <typename data_t>
__global__ void psamask_collect_cuda_forward_kernel(const data_t* x_data,
                             data_t* out_data,
                             const int nthreads,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
    int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    for (int i = gid; i < num_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        out_data[i] = 0;
    for (int index{blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x}; index< nthreads; index+=blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        const int w{index % feature_W_};
        const int h{index / feature_W_ % feature_H_};
        const int n{index / feature_W_ / feature_H_};
        const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
        const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
        for (int hidx{hstart}; hidx < hend; ++hidx){
            for (int widx{wstart}; widx < wend; ++widx) {
                out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w] = x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
__global__ void psamask_distribute_cuda_forward_kernel(const data_t* x_data,
                             data_t* out_data,
                             const int nthreads,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
    int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    for (int i = gid; i < num_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        out_data[i] = 0;
    for (int index{blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x}; index< nthreads; index+=blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        const int w{index % feature_W_};
        const int h{index / feature_W_ % feature_H_};
        const int n{index / feature_W_ / feature_H_};
        const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
        const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
        for (int hidx{hstart}; hidx < hend; ++hidx){
            for (int widx{wstart}; widx < wend; ++widx) {
                out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)] = x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
__global__ void psamask_collect_cuda_backward_kernel(const data_t* grad_out_data, const data_t* out,
                            data_t* grad_x_data,
                            const int nthreads,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
    int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    for (int i = gid; i < num_ * mask_H_ * mask_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        grad_x_data[i] = 0;
     for (int index{blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x}; index < nthreads; index+=blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        const int w{index % feature_W_};
        const int h{index / feature_W_ % feature_H_};
        const int n{index / feature_W_ / feature_H_};
        const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
        const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
        for (int hidx{hstart}; hidx < hend; ++hidx){
            for (int widx{wstart}; widx < wend; ++widx) {
                grad_x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w] = grad_out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w];

template <typename data_t>
__global__ void psamask_distribute_cuda_backward_kernel(const data_t* grad_out_data, const data_t* out,
                            data_t* grad_x_data,
                            const int nthreads,
                             const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_,
                             const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {
     int gid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
     for (int i = gid; i < num_ * mask_H_ * mask_W_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
         grad_x_data[i] = 0;
     for (int index{blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x}; index< nthreads; index+=blockDim.x * gridDim.x) {
        const int w{index % feature_W_};
        const int h{index / feature_W_ % feature_H_};
        const int n{index / feature_W_ / feature_H_};
        const int hstart = max(0, half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int hend = min(mask_H_, feature_H_ + half_mask_H_ - h);
        const int wstart = max(0, half_mask_W_ - w);
        const int wend = min(mask_W_, feature_W_ + half_mask_W_ - w);
        for (int hidx{hstart}; hidx < hend; ++hidx){
            for (int widx{wstart}; widx < wend; ++widx) {
                grad_x_data[((n * mask_H_ * mask_W_ + hidx * mask_W_ + widx) * feature_H_ + h) * feature_W_ + w] = grad_out_data[(n * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + h * feature_W_ + w) * feature_H_ * feature_W_ + (hidx + h - half_mask_H_) * feature_W_ + (widx + w - half_mask_W_)];

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCUDAForward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {

  auto out = paddle::Tensor(paddle::PlaceType::kGPU, std::vector<int64_t>{num_, feature_H_ * feature_W_, feature_H_, feature_W_});
  int numel = out.size();
  int nthreads = num_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_;
  int block = 512;
  if (psa_type == 0) {
        x.type(), "psamask_collect_cuda_forward_kernel", ([&] {psamask_collect_cuda_forward_kernel<data_t><<<nthreads, block, 0,>>>(<data_t>(), out.mutable_data<data_t>(, nthreads, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);}));
        x.type(), "psamask_distribute_cuda_forward_kernel", ([&] {
            psamask_distribute_cuda_forward_kernel<data_t><<<nthreads, block, 0,>>>(
      <data_t>(),  out.mutable_data<data_t>(, nthreads, num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                            mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

  return {out};

std::vector<paddle::Tensor> PSAMaskCUDABackward(const paddle::Tensor& x,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& out,
                                            const paddle::Tensor& grad_out,
    const int psa_type, const int num_, const int feature_H_, const int feature_W_, 
    const int mask_H_, const int mask_W_, const int half_mask_H_, const int half_mask_W_) {

  auto grad_x = paddle::Tensor(paddle::PlaceType::kGPU, x.shape());
  int numel = x.size();
  int nthreads = num_ * feature_H_ * feature_W_;
  int block = 512;
  if (psa_type == 0) {
    PD_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(out.type(), "psamask_collect_cuda_backward_kernel", ([&] {
                                psamask_collect_cuda_backward_kernel<data_t><<<nthreads,block, 0,>>>(
                                    num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                             mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);
  } else {
    PD_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES(out.type(), "psamask_distribute_cuda_backward_kernel", ([&] {
                                psamask_distribute_cuda_backward_kernel<data_t><<<nthreads, block, 0,>>>(
                                    num_, feature_H_, feature_W_,
                             mask_H_, mask_W_, half_mask_H_, half_mask_W_);

  return {grad_x};



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