TrafficMonitor Speed alarm

ikfrs5lh  于 2022-11-02  发布在  其他

Hello, I really want a "speed data" alarm, it'll better if i can customize it.
thanks in advance



Hello, I don't quite understand what do you mean by "'speed data' alarm", can you explain your needs in detail?



Hello, I use TrafficMonitor a lot, and I really love it, but, I use TrafficMonitor on "Metric Network" like data mobile and sometimes a program uses a lot of data and I didn't note, in another time I use in "no Metric Network" like free wifi, and I want to use all data bandwidth for download, in both cases, I don't have a way to note when these things happen to me, will be very good y TrafficMonitor make me note it playing an alarm

  • when data speed goes down from 2MB/s for more than 3 seg (for example) then play a sound
  • when speed data goes up to 10 MB/s for more than 3 seg (for example), play it a sound


Thanks for your advice, I will consider adding this feature in coming versions.
