echarts Legend text is not centered vertically

iszxjhcz  于 2022-11-05  发布在  Echarts



Steps to reproduce

Go to the Echarts website, and open any of the story charts

What is expected?

Legend text is centered vertically

What is actually happening?

All the text next to the legend is not vertically centered. is this right?



Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. 🎉
The average response time is expected to be within one day for weekdays.

In the meanwhile, please make sure that it containsa minimum reproducible demoand necessaryimagesto illustrate. Otherwise, our committers will ask you to do so.

  • A minimum reproducible demo* should contain as little data and components as possible but can still illustrate your problem. This is the best way for us to reproduce it and solve the problem faster.

You may also check out the API and chart option to get the answer.

If you don't get helped for a long time (over a week) or have an urgent question to ask, you may also send an email to . Please attach the issue link if it's a technical question.

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Have a nice day! 🍵



If you are using Windows, the default font is generally Microsoft Yahei . This kind of font will have such an issue because of its design. You could try to use another font, for example, SimHei , PingFang SC .
