I am trying to serialize the request before sending it to the retrofit for webservice calls.
as i am serializing the request , i need to pass json string to retrofit calls in @Body paramenter and due to that the generated json string results into following json string with the " (Double quotes in front and end ).
as there are double quotes the third party api is unable to parse it successfully.
here is my reqeust serializer code
public class RequestSerializer implements JsonSerializer<Request<?>> {
public JsonElement serialize(Request<?> request, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
JsonObject jsonObject = new GsonBuilder().create().toJsonTree(request,Request.class).getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement requestList = jsonObject.get("requestList");
return jsonObject;
code to call retrofit webservice
GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder();
builder.registerTypeAdapter(Request.class, new RequestSerializer());
Gson gson = builder.create();
String data = gson.toJson(request);
Flowable<Response> fitnessFlowable = new WebRequest().getRemoteClient().create(FitnessApi.class).postFitnessData("5b238abb4d3590001d9b94a8",data);
使用对象消除了POST @Body中的字符串引用请求,例如我的工作代码: