I am running into the error in the title with the code below:
from scipy import special as sp
def func(x, n):
coefs = [[0] * (n+1) for _ in range(n+1)]
for i in range(n+1):
for j in range(i+1):
if j <=x:
coefs[i][j] = sp.binom(i, j)
sumation = 0
for k in range(x+1):
sumation = sumation + coefs[i - k - 1][j - k]
coefs[i][j] = sumation
Running this with
print(func(10, 1500))
returns the error:
RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in double_scalars
sum = sum + list[i - k - 1][j - k]
It works up until just past n = 1000
I am using Python 3.6. I thought that numbers could be any size in this version of Python but I am new to it so I might just be missing something.
Any help with overcoming this would be appreciated.
Thank you
Some observations: first, it runs on my machine without error; second, the
print(func(10, 1500))
call always printsNone
doesn't return anything; third, it creates an 1501 by 1501 matrix-like structure but only operates on the first 11 elements of each row, leaving the last 1490 elements of each row set to 0 which seem odd, as if the index ranges aren't correct.Fourth, you've redefined Python built-in function names as variables which isn't a good idea as you can't use them for their original purpose in the scope of your function:
Fifth, are you aware that one of these indexes:
is going negative at times:
so you're accessing this row from the left end (where all the zeros are.)
Sixth, now that you added a call to
sp.binom(i, j)
, it fails for me when I run it with the error in question. Are you aware thatsp.binom()
returns anumpy.float64
which can't size up like a Python integer.I'm running Python 3.6.0 -- perhaps you could provide more information about your environment.
I thought that numbers could be any size in this version of python
The last row of
is:So number size doesn't appear to be an issue.