powershell 使用Import-CSV并将一列的多个值存储为变量

bzzcjhmw  于 2022-11-10  发布在  Shell


sequence art last  first  address city st     zip
-------- --- ----  -----  ------- ---- --     ---
1        3S  Doe   John   123     Any  Street AnyTown
6        3S  Doe   John   128     Any  Street AnyTown
2        OG  Dow   Jane   124     Any  Street AnyTown
7        OG  Dow   Jane   129     Any  Street AnyTown
3        OGF Cool  Joe    125     Any  Street AnyTown
8        OGF Cool  Joe    130     Any  Street AnyTown
4        SLV Cool  Carol  126     Any  Street AnyTown
9        SLV Cool  Carol  131     Any  Street AnyTown
5        SMP Bravo Johnny 127     Any  Street AnyTown
10       SMP Bravo Johnny 132     Any  Street AnyTown


If (Test-Path D:\mhWork\_Auto\_Print\c1478_tpl_snap\data\Art_cProofs.csn){
$source=Get-ChildItem "D:\mhWork\_Auto\_Print\c1478_tpl_snap\data\Art_cProofs.csn" | select  -Last 1
$artTag = 'D:\mhWork\_Auto\_Print\c1478_tpl_snap\data\Art_cProofs.csn'
$artTag1 = Import-Csv $artTag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art -First 1
$artTag2 = Import-Csv $artTag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art -Second 2
$artTag3 = Import-Csv $artTag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art -Third 3
$artTag4 = Import-Csv $artTag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art -Fourth 4
$artTag5 = Import-Csv $artTag | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art -Fifth 5
$JobID = "TPL_" + ($aJobNum)

If (Test-Path cProofs0001.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0001.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTag1)_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0002.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0002.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTag2)_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0003.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0003.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTag3)_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0004.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0004.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTag4)_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0005.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0005.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTag5)_cProofs.pdf"}


cProofs0001.pdf - to - 123456_TPL_3S_cProofs.pdf
cProofs0002.pdf - to - 123456_TPL_OG_cProofs.pdf
cProofs0003.pdf - to - 123456_TPL_OGF_cProofs.pdf
cProofs0004.pdf - to - 123456_TPL_SLV_cProofs.pdf
cProofs0005.pdf - to - 123456_TPL_SMP_cProofs.pdf




# load the entire csv into a variable

$csvFilepath = 'D:\mhWork\_Auto\_Print\c1478_tpl_snap\data\Art_cProofs.csn'
$csvContent = Import-Csv -Path $csvFilepath

# get the values of the art column like you did with -ExpandProperty

$artValues = $csvContent | Select-Object -ExpandProperty art

# de-duplicate the list

$artTags = $artValues | Group-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

# use array indexing to reference values in list

$JobID = "TPL_" + ($aJobNum) # unclear where $aJobNum comes from

If (Test-Path cProofs0001.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0001.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTags[0])_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0002.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0002.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTags[1])_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0003.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0003.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTags[2])_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0004.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0004.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTags[3])_cProofs.pdf"}
If (Test-Path cProofs0005.pdf){
Rename-Item cProofs0005.pdf "$($JobID)_$($artTags[4])_cProofs.pdf"}

