numpy 带有JSON文件的Matplotlib

mlmc2os5  于 2022-11-10  发布在  其他

我正在尝试组合两个代码源码,但没有效果。我使用的是默认的 matplotlib示例(下面列出)和json文件(也在下面列出)。代码的“finance.fetch_History_Yahoo”部分通过Yahoo从.csv中提取数据,并将其放入Numy数组中。问题是,我不需要转换Yahoo的数据,我需要以matplotlib库可读的方式转换JSON数据。

import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import as finance
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager
import json #to load json libraries for json data

startdate =,1,1)
today = enddate =
ticker = 'SPY'

fh = finance.fetch_historical_yahoo(ticker, startdate, enddate) #would like this call to be json

# a numpy record array with fields: date, open, high, low, close, volume, adj_close)

r = mlab.csv2rec(fh); fh.close()

def moving_average(x, n, type='simple'):
    compute an n period moving average.

    type is 'simple' | 'exponential'

    x = np.asarray(x)
    if type=='simple':
        weights = np.ones(n)
        weights = np.exp(np.linspace(-1., 0., n))

    weights /= weights.sum()

    a =  np.convolve(x, weights, mode='full')[:len(x)]
    a[:n] = a[n]
    return a

def relative_strength(prices, n=14):
    compute the n period relative strength indicator

    deltas = np.diff(prices)
    seed = deltas[:n+1]
    up = seed[seed>=0].sum()/n
    down = -seed[seed<0].sum()/n
    rs = up/down
    rsi = np.zeros_like(prices)
    rsi[:n] = 100. - 100./(1.+rs)

    for i in range(n, len(prices)):
        delta = deltas[i-1] # cause the diff is 1 shorter

        if delta>0:
            upval = delta
            downval = 0.
            upval = 0.
            downval = -delta

        up = (up*(n-1) + upval)/n
        down = (down*(n-1) + downval)/n

        rs = up/down
        rsi[i] = 100. - 100./(1.+rs)

    return rsi

def moving_average_convergence(x, nslow=26, nfast=12):
    compute the MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) using a fast and slow exponential moving avg'
    return value is emaslow, emafast, macd which are len(x) arrays
    emaslow = moving_average(x, nslow, type='exponential')
    emafast = moving_average(x, nfast, type='exponential')
    return emaslow, emafast, emafast - emaslow

plt.rc('axes', grid=True)
plt.rc('grid', color='0.75', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5)

textsize = 9
left, width = 0.1, 0.8
rect1 = [left, 0.7, width, 0.2]
rect2 = [left, 0.3, width, 0.4]
rect3 = [left, 0.1, width, 0.2]

fig = plt.figure(facecolor='white')
axescolor  = '#f6f6f6'  # the axes background color

ax1 = fig.add_axes(rect1, axisbg=axescolor)  #left, bottom, width, height
ax2 = fig.add_axes(rect2, axisbg=axescolor, sharex=ax1)
ax2t = ax2.twinx()
ax3  = fig.add_axes(rect3, axisbg=axescolor, sharex=ax1)

### plot the relative strength indicator

prices = r.adj_close
rsi = relative_strength(prices)
fillcolor = 'darkgoldenrod'

ax1.plot(, rsi, color=fillcolor)
ax1.axhline(70, color=fillcolor)
ax1.axhline(30, color=fillcolor)
ax1.fill_between(, rsi, 70, where=(rsi>=70), facecolor=fillcolor, edgecolor=fillcolor)
ax1.fill_between(, rsi, 30, where=(rsi<=30), facecolor=fillcolor, edgecolor=fillcolor)
ax1.text(0.6, 0.9, '>70 = overbought', va='top', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=textsize)
ax1.text(0.6, 0.1, '<30 = oversold', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=textsize)
ax1.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax1.text(0.025, 0.95, 'RSI (14)', va='top', transform=ax1.transAxes, fontsize=textsize)
ax1.set_title('%s daily'%ticker)

### plot the price and volume data

dx = r.adj_close - r.close
low = r.low + dx
high = r.high + dx

deltas = np.zeros_like(prices)
deltas[1:] = np.diff(prices)
up = deltas>0
ax2.vlines([up], low[up], high[up], color='black', label='_nolegend_')
ax2.vlines([~up], low[~up], high[~up], color='black', label='_nolegend_')
ma20 = moving_average(prices, 20, type='simple')
ma200 = moving_average(prices, 200, type='simple')

linema20, = ax2.plot(, ma20, color='blue', lw=2, label='MA (20)')
linema200, = ax2.plot(, ma200, color='red', lw=2, label='MA (200)')

last = r[-1]
s = '%s O:%1.2f H:%1.2f L:%1.2f C:%1.2f, V:%1.1fM Chg:%+1.2f' % (
    today.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'),, last.high,
    last.low, last.close,
    last.volume*1e-6, )
t4 = ax2.text(0.3, 0.9, s, transform=ax2.transAxes, fontsize=textsize)

props = font_manager.FontProperties(size=10)
leg = ax2.legend(loc='center left', shadow=True, fancybox=True, prop=props)

volume = (r.close*r.volume)/1e6  # dollar volume in millions
vmax = volume.max()
poly = ax2t.fill_between(, volume, 0, label='Volume', facecolor=fillcolor, edgecolor=fillcolor)
ax2t.set_ylim(0, 5*vmax)

### compute the MACD indicator

fillcolor = 'darkslategrey'
nslow = 26
nfast = 12
nema = 9
emaslow, emafast, macd = moving_average_convergence(prices, nslow=nslow, nfast=nfast)
ema9 = moving_average(macd, nema, type='exponential')
ax3.plot(, macd, color='black', lw=2)
ax3.plot(, ema9, color='blue', lw=1)
ax3.fill_between(, macd-ema9, 0, alpha=0.5, facecolor=fillcolor, edgecolor=fillcolor)

ax3.text(0.025, 0.95, 'MACD (%d, %d, %d)'%(nfast, nslow, nema), va='top',
         transform=ax3.transAxes, fontsize=textsize)

# ax3.set_yticks([])

# turn off upper axis tick labels, rotate the lower ones, etc

for ax in ax1, ax2, ax2t, ax3:
    if ax!=ax3:
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():

    ax.fmt_xdata = mdates.DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d')

class MyLocator(mticker.MaxNLocator):
    def __init__(self, *args,**kwargs):
        mticker.MaxNLocator.__init__(self, *args,**kwargs)

    def __call__(self, *args,**kwargs):
        return mticker.MaxNLocator.__call__(self, *args,**kwargs)

# at most 5 ticks, pruning the upper and lower so they don't overlap

# with other ticks

# ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(5, prune='both'))

# ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.MaxNLocator(5, prune='both'))

ax2.yaxis.set_major_locator(MyLocator(5, prune='both'))
ax3.yaxis.set_major_locator(MyLocator(5, prune='both'))


        "instrument" : "EUR_USD",
        "granularity" : "D",
        "candles" : [
                        "time" : "2014-02-17T22:00:00Z",
                        "openMid" : 1.259445,
                        "highMid" : 1.259955,
                        "lowMid" : 1.251825,
                        "closeMid" : 1.257955,
                        "volume" : 61184,
                        "complete" : true
                        "time" : "2014-02-18T22:00:00Z",
                        "openMid" : 1.257975,
                        "highMid" : 1.259955,
                        "lowMid" : 1.251825,
                        "closeMid" : 1.252945,
                        "volume" : 67528,
                        "complete" : false





import json
import numpy as np

# json embedded here, but could be read in from text file

json_string = """{
        "instrument" : "EUR_USD",
        "granularity" : "D",
        "candles" : [
                        "time" : "2014-02-17T22:00:00Z",
                        "openMid" : 1.259445,
                        "highMid" : 1.259955,
                        "lowMid" : 1.251825,
                        "closeMid" : 1.257955,
                        "volume" : 61184,
                        "complete" : true
                        "time" : "2014-02-18T22:00:00Z",
                        "openMid" : 1.257975,
                        "highMid" : 1.259955,
                        "lowMid" : 1.251825,
                        "closeMid" : 1.252945,
                        "volume" : 67528,
                        "complete" : false

candles = json.loads(json_string)['candles']
col_heads = ['time', 'openMid', 'highMid', 'lowMid', 'closeMid', 'volume']
f = lambda c: [c[col] for col in col_heads]
row_wise = [col_heads[:]]
row_wise.extend([f(candle) for candle in candles])
for row in row_wise: print row
col_wise = zip(*row_wise)
for col in col_wise: print col




来自the docs

>>> data = [{'state': 'Florida',
...          'shortname': 'FL',
...          'info': {
...               'governor': 'Rick Scott'
...          },
...          'counties': [{'name': 'Dade', 'population': 12345},
...                      {'name': 'Broward', 'population': 40000},
...                      {'name': 'Palm Beach', 'population': 60000}]},
...         {'state': 'Ohio',
...          'shortname': 'OH',
...          'info': {
...               'governor': 'John Kasich'
...          },
...          'counties': [{'name': 'Summit', 'population': 1234},
...                       {'name': 'Cuyahoga', 'population': 1337}]}]
>>> from import json_normalize
>>> result = json_normalize(data, 'counties', ['state', 'shortname',
...                                           ['info', 'governor']])
>>> result
         name  population info.governor    state shortname
0        Dade       12345    Rick Scott  Florida        FL
1     Broward       40000    Rick Scott  Florida        FL
2  Palm Beach       60000    Rick Scott  Florida        FL
3      Summit        1234   John Kasich     Ohio        OH
4    Cuyahoga        1337   John Kasich     Ohio        OH

现在您可以使用pandas dataframe to visualize the data

In [1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]: ts = pandas.Series(np.random.randn(1000), index=pd.date_range('1/1/2000', periods=1000))

In [3]: ts = ts.cumsum()

In [4]: ts.plot()
Out[4]: <matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1120939d0>
