haskell 河内拼图与禁止移动

5ssjco0h  于 2022-11-14  发布在  其他


type HanoiMovement = (Integer , Char , Char)

hanoi :: Integer -> [HanoiMovement] 
hanoi n = hanoi_gen 'l' 'r' 'm' n
        hanoi_gen s z aux 0 = []
        hanoi_gen s z aux n = hanoi_gen s aux z (n-1) ++ [(n,s,z)] ++ hanoi_gen aux z s (n-1)

它会生成如何移动平板的解,但是它忽略了禁止的移动[('l ',' m '),('m','r')]。我如何将它们实现到算法中?



Well, your current solution to the "standard" Hanoi puzzle takes advantage of the fact that, say, moving 3 discs from left to right using middle ( hanoi 'l' 'r' 'm' 3 ) can be recursively expressed as moving 2 discs from left to middle using right ( hanoi 'l' 'm' 'r' 2 ), then moving the '3' disc from left to right, and then moving 2 discs from middle to right using left ( hanoi 'm' 'r' 'l' 2 ).
In order to implement your modified Hanoi puzzle, you need to modify the recursion to take into account the forbidden moves. Because the forbidden moves break the symmetry of the poles, you won't be able to define a single recursive step that works for all values of s , z , and aux .
Instead, you'll need to work through each of the cases:

data Pole = L | M | R deriving (Show)

To move n discs from L to R without using the forbidden moves, you should move n-1 discs from L to M , then move disc n from L to R , and then move n-1 discs from M to R , as usual. In other words:

hanoi L R M n 
  = hanoi L M R (n-1) ++ [(n,L,R)] ++ hanoi M R L (n-1)

However, to move n discs from L to M without using forbidden moves, you can't use the same pattern, as it would use the forbidden move (n,L,M) , instead you need to first move n-1 discs from L to M , then move disc n from L to R , which is allowed, then move n-1 discs from M to L , move disc n from R back to M (also allowed), and finally move n-1 discs from L to M . As code:

hanoi L M R n
  = hanoi L M R (n-1) ++ [(n,L,R)] ++ hanoi M L R (n-1) ++
    [(n,R,M)] ++ hanoi L M R (n-1)

If you define similar patterns for all permutations of the poles and use the usual base case. That should give you your solution.
The remaining patterns are:

hanoi R L M n
  = hanoi R M L (n-1) ++ [(n,R,L)] ++ hanoi M L R (n-1)
hanoi R M L n
  = hanoi R L M (n-1) ++ [(n,R,M)] ++ hanoi L M R (n-1)
hanoi M R L n
  = hanoi M R L (n-1) ++ [(n,M,L)] ++ hanoi R M L (n-1) ++
    [(n,L,R)] ++ hanoi M R L (n-1)
hanoi M L R n
  = hanoi M R L (n-1) ++ [(n,M,L)] ++ hanoi R L M (n-1)

If desired, these can be simplified somewhat with a helper, as follows, though it would be hard to see this pattern without writing them all out in detail first:

hanoi :: Pole -> Pole -> Pole -> Int -> [(Int,Pole,Pole)]
hanoi _ _ _ 0 = []
-- handle the "hard" cases with a helper:
hanoi L M R n = hanoi' L M R n
hanoi M R L n = hanoi' M R L n
-- the rest are straightforward
hanoi s z aux n = hanoi s aux z (n-1) ++ [(n,s,z)] ++ hanoi aux z s (n-1)

hanoi' s z aux n
  = hanoi s z aux (n-1) ++ [(n,s,aux)] ++ hanoi z s aux (n-1) ++
    [(n,aux,z)] ++ hanoi s z aux (n-1)

Full runnable example:

data Pole = L | M | R deriving (Show)

hanoi :: Pole -> Pole -> Pole -> Int -> [(Int,Pole,Pole)]
hanoi _ _ _ 0 = []
-- handle the "hard" cases with a helper:
hanoi L M R n = hanoi' L M R n
hanoi M R L n = hanoi' M R L n
-- the rest are straightforward
hanoi s z aux n = hanoi s aux z (n-1) ++ [(n,s,z)] ++ hanoi aux z s (n-1)

hanoi' s z aux n
  = hanoi s z aux (n-1) ++ [(n,s,aux)] ++ hanoi z s aux (n-1) ++
    [(n,aux,z)] ++ hanoi s z aux (n-1)

main = do
  print $ hanoi L R M 2
  print $ hanoi L R M 3

which gives solutions for 2 and 3 discs:


These appear to be correct.
