haskell 如何通过递归显示字符串中的整数

gcuhipw9  于 2022-11-14  发布在  其他


-- Takes any String consisting of namely A, B, and C and returns an Integer
-- with 1, 2, and 3 that corresponds to each particular character.
check_order :: String -> [Int]
check_order "" = []
check_order (x:xs)
    | x `elem` "A" = 1 : check_order xs
    | x `elem` "B" = 2 : check_order xs
    | otherwise    = 3 : check_order xs
-- Takes the integer array generated from check_order and an arbitrary
-- integer array of length 3 and returns a String correlating the check_order
-- array and the arbitrary integer array
number_correction :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] -> String
number_correction [] _ = ""
number_correction (x:xs) num_array
    | x == 1 = show (num_array !! 0) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
    | x == 2 = show (num_array !! 1) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
    | otherwise    = show (num_array !! 2) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
main = do
       let test = "ABCBABBAC";
       let num_array = [6, 1, 8];
       print(number_correction(check_order(test), num_array));
       --This print statement should print out "6 1 8 1 6 1 1 6 8"


[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( main.hs, main.o )
main.hs:12:16: error:• Could not deduce(Show n) arising from a use of ‘show’
      from the context: Integral n
        bound by the type signature for:number_correction :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] -> String
        at main.hs:9:1-55
      Possible fix:add (Show n) to the context of
          the type signature for:
            number_correction :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] -> String
    • In the firstargument of ‘(++)’, namely ‘show (num_array !! 0)’
      In the expression:
        show (num_array !! 0) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
      In anequation for ‘number_correction’:
          number_correction (x : xs) num_array
            | x == 1
            =show (num_array !! 0) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
            | x == 2
            = show (num_array !! 1) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array
        | otherwise
            = show (num_array !! 2) ++ " " ++ number_correction xs num_array

main.hs:19:31: error:
    • Couldn't match expected type ‘[n0]’
        with actual type ‘([Int], [Integer])’
    • In the first argument of ‘number_correction’, namely
        ‘(check_order (test), num_array)’
      In the first argument of ‘print’, namely
        ‘(number_correction (check_order (test), num_array))’
      In a stmt of a'do' block:
        print (number_correction (check_order (test), num_array))


(Int n) => [n] -> [n] -> String没有任何意义。Int是一个具体的类型,那么Int n应该是什么意思呢?

foo = True 37
  • 你试图把某个东西当作函数而不是函数
number_correction :: Integral n => [n] -> [n] -> String

Int不同,Integral是一个类型 * 类 *。与Java不同,Haskell中的类型和类是完全不同的。特别是,Integral * 是类型级别上的 * 函数。你可以在GHCi中看到这一点:

Prelude> :k Int
Int :: Type
Prelude> :k Integral
Integral :: Type -> Constraint

(传统上,它会显示** -> Constraint*是旧符号,表示类型的种类)。
因此,Integral n确实有意义:将Type -> Constraint应用于Type类型的变量n,从而得到一个约束。约束可以出现在=>箭头的左侧。

number_correction :: (n ~ Int) => [n] -> [n] -> String


number_correction :: [Int] -> [Int] -> String
