使用‘’Error‘’时出错-输入参数不足(MatLab R2021B)

qcuzuvrc  于 2022-11-15  发布在  Matlab

我正在运行matlab r2021b中的脚本,但获得以下错误消息:

Error using error
Not enough input arguments.
Error in ivana_rsfa_logtransform (line 36)


rootdir = 'home/ivana/brain_scans';
for isub = 1:size(T1,1) % the data of my subjects are found in a table T1
    fn  = T1.f_rsfa{isub}; % fn is a variable containing subject's paths to folders with brain scans
    V   = spm_vol(fn) ;% variable fn needs to go into the spm_vol function in order to perform a transformation of the brain scans
    Y   = spm_read_vols(V); 
%% function to read in entire image volume- FORMAT [Y,XYZmm] = spm_read_vols(V,mask), where V is vector of mapped image volumes
    % to read in (from spm_vol) and mask is an implicit zero mask.
    % Y is a 4D matrix of image data, fourth dimension indexes images.
% spm_write_vol is a function to write an image volume to disk, setting scales and offsets as appropriate. The format is V = spm_write_vol(V,Y),where:
%   V (input)  - a structure containing image volume information (see spm_vol)
%   Y - a one, two or three dimensional matrix containing the image voxels
%   V (output) - data structure after modification for writing.
    idx = Y>0; % due to possible NaNs and 0s, we create a mask to only log transform images with + values
    if sum(Y(:)<0)
        error; % this is where I get the error
    Ylog = Y;
    Ylog(idx) = log(Y(idx));
    Vtemp = V;
    Vtemp.fname = fullfile(rootdir,[Vtemp.fname]);% give filename and fullpath for the new image


