perl 换行分隔行,保留第一列,并使用最小最终长度

ccrfmcuu  于 2022-11-15  发布在  Perl


animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare, goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck, camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider, deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit, elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth, shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab


animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab


  • 输入行由标题词、等号和逗号分隔的至少1个项目的列表组成。
  • 在本例中,大多数单词都是单个单词,但单词可以包含空格(例如,结尾处的“horseshoe crab”)
  • 分割为9个项目,除非小于3个,在这种情况下,最终分割可能在一行上产生12个项目
  • 有多条线。例如,下一条线可能是行星。

我有一个想法,先跳过空格,然后使用unix fold,再用awk把第一列拉下来。

echo "animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare, goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck, camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider, deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit, elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth, shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab" \
| \tr ' ,' '_ ' \
| fold -s \
| perl -pe 's/=/\t/; s/^_/\t_/g;' \
| awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} $1==""{$1=p} {p=$1} 1' \
| tr '\t _'  '=, '





perl -wnE'
    ($head, @items) = split /\s*[,=]\s*/; 
    while (@items) { 
        @elems = splice @items, 0, 9;
        if (@elems < 3) { $lines[-1] .= ", " . join ", ", @elems }
        else            { push @lines, join ", ", @elems }
    say "$head = $_" for @lines; @lines = ()
' file

perl -wnE'
    ($head, @items) = split /\s*[,=]\s*/; 
    push @lines, join ", ", splice @items, 0, 9  while @items; 
    $lines[-2] .= ", " . pop @lines  if 2 > $lines[-1] =~ tr/,//;
    say "$head = $_" for @lines; @lines = ()
' file


  • split-ing通过,=首先提取中心词,然后提取行上的项
  • splice移除并返回(前9)个元素,由,连接的元素生成一个要打印的行,直到处理完所有元素。如果最后一组元素少于3个,则将其添加到上一个要打印的行
  • 在第二个版本中,所有的元素都被处理,然后通过计算要打印的最后一行中的逗号来检查它是否需要被添加到前一行中



awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=" = "} {
   s = $2
   while (match(s, /([^,]+, ){1,9}(([^,]+, ){2}[^,]+$)?/)) {
      v = substr(s, RSTART, RLENGTH)
      sub(/, $/, "", v)
      print $1, v
      s = substr(s, RLENGTH+1)
}' file

animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab

请特别注意此处使用的正则表达式/([^,]+, ){1,9}(([^,]+, ){2}[^,]+$)?/



仅使用您展示的示例,请尝试以下awk程序。在GNU awk中编写和测试,应该可以在任何awk中工作。

awk  -v numberOfFields="9" '
  FS=", ";OFS=", "
  sub(/ = .*/,"",line)
  sub(/^[^ ]* =[^ ]* /,"")
    printf("%s",(i%numberOfFields==0?OFS $i ORS line" = ":\
    (i==1?line " = " $i:(i%numberOfFields>1?OFS $i:$i))))
  print ""
'  Input_file


awk  -v numberOfFields="9" '
  FS=", ";OFS=", "
  sub(/ = .*/,"",line)
  sub(/^[^ ]* =[^ ]* /,"")
    printf("%s",(i%numberOfFields==0?OFS $i ORS line" = ":(i==1?line " = " $i:(i%numberOfFields>1?OFS $i:$i))))
  print ""
'  Input_file


awk  -v numberOfFields="9" '            ##Starting awk program from here, creating variable named numberOfFields and setting its value to 9 here.
BEGIN{                                  ##Starting BEGIN section of awk here.
  FS=", ";OFS=", "                      ##Setting FS and OFS to comma space here.
  line=$0                               ##Setting value of $0 to line here.
  sub(/ = .*/,"",line)                  ##Substituting space = space everything till last of value in line with NULL.
  sub(/^[^ ]* =[^ ]* /,"")              ##Substituting from starting till first occurrence of space followed by = followed by again first occurrence of space with NULL in current line.
  for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){                   ##Running for loop here for all fields.
    printf("%s",(i%numberOfFields==0?OFS $i ORS line" = ":\  ##Using printf and its conditions are explained below of code.
    (i==1?line " = " $i:(i%numberOfFields>1?OFS $i:$i))))
END{                                    ##Starting END block of this program from here.
  print ""                              ##Printing newline here.
'  Input_file                           ##Mentioning Input_file name here.


  i%numberOfFields==0                   ##checking if modules value of i%numberOfFields is 0 here, if this is TRUE:
    ?OFS $i ORS line" = "               ##Then printing OFS $i ORS line" = "(comma space field value new line line variable and space = space)
    :(i==1                              ##If very first condition is FALSE then checking again if i==1
       ?line " = " $i                   ##Then print line variable followed by space = space followed by $i
       :(i%numberOfFields>1?OFS $i:$i)  ##Else if if modules value of i%numberOfFields is greater than 1 then print OFS $i else print $i.



awk -F'[=,]' -v min=3 -v max=9 '
{ for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
      if ( (i-1) % max == 1 && (NF-i+1 > min) ) {
         if ( i > max ) print newline
         newline=$1 "="
      newline=newline pfx $i
  print newline
' raw.dat


$ cat raw.dat
animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare, goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck, camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider, deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit, elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth, shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto, vulcan, arrakis, hoth, naboo
numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
numbers2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

使用-v min=3 -v max=9,我们得到:

animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto
planets = vulcan, arrakis, hoth, naboo
numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
numbers2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
numbers2 = 10, 11, 12, 13

一个(显而易见的?)想法是将awk代码 Package 在函数中,例如:

splitme() {
    awk -F'[=,]' -v min=$1 -v max=$2 '
    { for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {
          if ( (i-1) % max == 1 && (NF-i+1 > min) ) {
             if ( i > max ) print newline
             newline=$1 "="
          newline=newline pfx $i
      print newline
    }' "${3:--}"


  • 参数化minmax值,以便从命令行提取
  • 参数化了要从命令行($3)或stdin(-)提取的文件引用
  • OP可以根据需要添加更多逻辑来验证/确认输入参数


$ splitme 3 9 raw.dat


$ cat raw.dat | splitme 3 9


animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto
planets = vulcan, arrakis, hoth, naboo
numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
numbers2 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
numbers2 = 10, 11, 12, 13


awk -F"[=,]" -v max="9" '{
        for(i=2; i<=NF; i+=max){
                row = ""
                for(j=i; j<=i+max-1; j++){
                        row=row $(j) ","
                gsub(/,+$/, "", row)
                printf "%s=%s \n", $1, row
    }' input_file

animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto
planets = vulcan, arrakis, hoth, naboo
numbers = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
numbers = 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
cars = mercedes benz, bmw, audi, vw, porsche, seat, skoda, opel, renault
cars = mazda, toyota, honda


下面是两个处理一行代码的Ruby解决方案:变量str保存一行代码(示例中以'animals = ...'开头的代码)。


正则表达式可以用 * 自由间距模式 * 编写,使其具有自文档性。

\A         # match beginning of string
\w+        # match one or more word chars (e.g., "animals")
|          # or
[ ]*=[ ]*  # "=" preceded and followed by zero or more spaces
|          # or         
(?:        # begin a non-capture group
  [^,]+    # match one or more chars other than a comma
  ,[ ]*    # match a comma and zero or more spaces
){0,10}    # end non-capture group and execute 0-10 times
[^,]+      # match one or more chars other than a comma
\z         # match end of string
|          # or
(?:        # begin a non-capture group
 [^,]+     # match one or more chars other than a comma
 ,[ ]*     # match a comma and zero or more spaces
){9}     # end non-capture group and execute 1-7 times
/x         # invoke free-spacing regex definition mode


  #=> "animals"
  #=> "="
  #=> ["lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, ",
       "mule, hare, goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, ",
       "frog, bug, fish, duck, camel, squirrel, owl, ",
       "chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider, deer, ",
       "tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, ",
       "rabbit, elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, ",
       "crab, leopard, moth, shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab"]




  #=> "animals"
  #=> ["lizard", "bird",,..."horseshoe crab"]
  #=> [["lizard", "bird", "bee", "snake", "whale", "eagle",
        "beetle", "mule", "hare"],
       ["goose", "horse", "mouse", "pig", "dog", "frog",
        "bug", "fish", "duck"],
       ["camel", "squirrel", "owl", "chicken", "pigeon", "lion",
        "sheep", "bear", "spider"],
       ["deer", "tiger", "lobster", "dinosaur", "cat", "goat",
        "rat", "cricket", "rabbit"],
       ["elephant", "crow", "fox", "donkey", "monkey", "butterfly",
        "crab", "leopard", "moth"],
       ["shark", "salmon", "shrimp", "mosquito", "horseshoe crab"]]


["elephant", "crow", "fox", "donkey", "monkey", "butterfly", "crab",
 "leopard", "moth", "shark", "salmon", "shrimp", "mosquito", "horseshoe crab"]


花了一些时间修改我的解决方案,通过在正则表达式链的末尾执行与$1 = $1等效的操作,使其在gawkmawk上都能工作;
$(NF!=NF=NF)在内部扩展为NF != (NF=NF),它总是false,所以整个过程就是$0,但是在其中嵌入$1=$1

input ::

     1  animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare, goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck, camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider, deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit, elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth, shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
     2  planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto-cuz-it-shoudlve-been, planetX

 command ::

 [mg]awk '
     FS = (OFS = " = ") "*" 
   _=__ = (___="[^,]+")"[,]"
     __ = (__)_ "(("_")?("_")?"___"$)?"
      _ = ORS } gsub(__,"&"_ $1 OFS)+gsub("[,]"_,_)+sub((_)"+([^,]*)$","", $(NF!=NF=NF))' 

 output (mawk 1.3.4) ::

     1  animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
     2  animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
     3  animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
     4  animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
     5  animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
     6  animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
     7  planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto-cuz-it-shoudlve-been, planetX

 output (gawk 5.1.1) ::

     1  animals = lizard, bird, bee, snake, whale, eagle, beetle, mule, hare
     2  animals = goose, horse, mouse, pig, dog, frog, bug, fish, duck
     3  animals = camel, squirrel, owl, chicken, pigeon, lion, sheep, bear, spider
     4  animals = deer, tiger, lobster, dinosaur, cat, goat, rat, cricket, rabbit
     5  animals = elephant, crow, fox, donkey, monkey, butterfly, crab, leopard, moth
     6  animals = shark, salmon, shrimp, mosquito, horseshoe crab
     7  planets = mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, pluto-cuz-it-shoudlve-been, planetX
