操作系统:MacOS10.14.4 , 浏览器:chrome 74.0.3729.169(正式版本) (64 位),Vue:2.6.10, iView: 3.1.5
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Steps to reproduce
prop属性为user的Input标签, autocomplete="on", name="yyh",输入正确的用户名:123和密码:123456,刷新页面,再次输入相同账号,浏览器不会自动带出用户名.
What is expected?
autocomplete生效,自动带出相同input标签相同name属性的 已经输入果的值
What is actually happening?
如果给Button 标签设置 html-type="submit" 不阻止click事件的默认行为 autocomplete会生效,但是页面会闪一下,并且表单不会校验,如果click事件的默认行为,autocomplete不生效。
Translation of this issue:
Operating system: MacOS 10.14.4, browser: chrome 74.0.3729.169 (official version) (64 bits), Vue: 2.6.10, iView: 3.1.5
Reproduction link
Steps to reproduce
Pro attribute is user's Input tag, autocomplete= "on", name= "yyyh", enter the correct user name: 123 and password: 123456, refresh the page, enter the same account again, the browser will not automatically bring out the user name.
What is expected?
Autocomplete takes effect, automatically bringing out the value of the input result with the same input tag and the same name attribute
What is actually happening?
Autocomplete does not take effect
If you set html-type= "submit" to the Button tag, autocomplete will not prevent the default behavior of click events from taking effect, but the page will flash, and the form will not be validated. If the default behavior of click events, autocomplete will not take effect.