ant-design Is there a Listener triggered after Sider component's animation is finished ?

zy1mlcev  于 2022-11-19  发布在  其他

What problem does this feature solve?

I want do something AFTER the Sider component's collapse animation is finished . But the listener onCollapse triggered when the animation begin . Is there a listener like onCollapsed but not onCollapse ?

What does the proposed API look like?

Just the same behavior like onCollapse but triggered After the animation finished .



Why do you need this? Could you provide more infomation about your requirement.



There is a example U provided .

In this example the sider is full-height . that's exactly what i want . However , I prefer the Sider Component to be a FIXED component and DO NOT roll-up-down with the page .

So, I do something like this :

.layout-sider {
  position: fixed;
  height: 100vh;
  padding-top: 64px

If I don't do anythings else . The Content will be covered by the Sider because the Sider is fixed .
So , I have to give marginLeft to Content Component , I do something like this :

... ...
 siderWidth = {
        collapsed : 80,
        unCollapsed: 160 // I have reset the default with 200 to 160 in webpack less-loader

  collapseHandler(collapsed) {
        width: collapsed ? siderWidth.collapsed : siderWidth.unCollapsed
... ...

<LayoutSider onCollapse={this.collapseHandler.bind(this)}/>
<Layout style={{marginLeft: this.state.width || siderWidth.unCollapsed}}>

It Almost worked ! But the Animation make something wrong . The handler is called at the beginning of Animation . So when the fold-animation is running , the Content Component will cover the Sider Component for a few moment ...

So I have to do some magic code like this ...

collapseHandler(collapsed) {
    setTimeout(() => {
        width: collapsed ? siderWidth.collapsed : siderWidth.unCollapsed
    },collapsed ? 100 : 0)

No cover anymore BUT white space .... :(

If there is a onCollapsed listener , I will not need setTimer anymore . But the white space still exists.

Is there any other ways graceful ?



@chenshuai2144 is it the exact same thing you want.



But I hope to solve it by other methods.
declarative style is the best
