echarts Exclude series from axis tooltip

ht4b089n  于 2022-11-19  发布在  Echarts

What problem does this feature solve?

Currently, there is no way to add a line series only as an indicator. A series should be configurable to trigger an axis tooltip or not.
I provided a simple example using two line series, the step line should not trigger the axis tooltip, but it does.

What does the proposed API look like?

Provide an excludeFromAxisTooltip option to e.g. series-line, so we can decide which series should trigger the tooltip.



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You can try to set tooltip.formatter so that if the seriesId is 0, render nothing.



Thanks @Ovilia.
This works in the very simple example I provided.
However, I have a more complex chart, where I show information in the tooltip based on the x value and y value of the first series.
This is what it looks like:

If I hover over the step line series, I have no choice but to render nothing (since I don't want to show the value of the stepline in the tooltip) which results in tooltip flickering.



I will see what we can do when fixing axisPoint snapping #7651 , which is planed to be done before the end of this year.
