oracle ORA-02330:不允许的数据类型说明

jxct1oxe  于 2022-11-28  发布在  Oracle


CREATE OR REPLACE Type Route_t AS Object(
Route_ID CHAR(3),
Route_descr VARCHAR(30),
city VARCHAR(10),
Stop_no NUMBER(3),
Stop_meal VARCHAR(10),
Route_ticket ticket_nt_type,
Route_schedule schedule_nt_type

Create Table Route_Tab of Route_t
(primary key (Route_ID),
Nested Table Route_ticket Store As Route_ticket_NTab,
Nested Table Route_Schedule Store As Route_Schedule _NTab;


NESTED TABLE存储子句必须在括号 * 之后 *。下面是一个功能完整的示例。

--Drop table and types to reset environment.
drop table route_tab;
drop type route_t;
drop type ticket_nt_type;
drop type schedule_nt_type;

--Create nested types.
create or replace type ticket_nt_type as table of varchar2(100);
create or replace type schedule_nt_type is table of varchar2(100);

--Create object.
CREATE OR REPLACE Type Route_t AS Object(
Route_ID CHAR(3),
Route_descr VARCHAR(30),
city VARCHAR(10),
Stop_no NUMBER(3),
Stop_meal VARCHAR(10),
Route_ticket ticket_nt_type,
Route_schedule schedule_nt_type

--ORIGINAL version that throws "ORA-02330: datatype specification not allowed".
Create Table Route_Tab of Route_t
(primary key (Route_ID),
Nested Table Route_ticket Store As Route_ticket_NTab,
Nested Table Route_Schedule Store As Route_Schedule _NTab;

--NEW version that runs on my system.
Create Table Route_Tab of Route_t
(primary key (Route_ID))
Nested Table Route_ticket Store As Route_ticket_NTab,
Nested Table Route_Schedule Store As Route_Schedule_NTab;
