Expected behavior: I can run a container I've built using an Apple M1 chip.
Observed behavior:
Assuming you have a Google Cloud Run account and can push Docker images to Google Container Registry. I'm using https://github.com/seenickcode/trivial-go-api for this example.
- `git clone git@github.com:seenickcode/trivial-go-api.git'
cd trivial-go-api
docker build -t gcr.io/<YOUR GCR PROJECT ID>/example .
docker push -t gcr.io/<YOUR GCR PROJECT ID>/example
- Go to
, Google Cloud Run > Create new service > select your pushed Docker image with all default options > Run - Error shown:
Cloud Run error: Container failed to start.
Failed to start and then listen on the port defined by the PORT environment variable.
Logs for this revision might contain more information.
2021-04-02 09:35:40.045 EDT
Cloud Run ReplaceService example hello@redactedforso.com {@type: type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog, authenticationInfo: {…}, authorizationInfo: […], methodName: google.cloud.run.v1.Services.ReplaceService, request: {…}, requestMetadata: {…}, resourceLocation: {…}, resourceName: namespaces/myprojectforso-282419/services/example, response: {…}, servi…
2021-04-02 09:35:49.034 EDT
terminated: Application failed to start: Failed to create init process: failed to load /app/main: exec format error
2021-04-02 09:35:49.174 EDT
Application exec likely failed
2021-04-02 09:57:43.102 EDT
Cloud Run ReplaceService example hello@redactedforso.com {@type: type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.audit.AuditLog, authenticationInfo: {…}, authorizationInfo: […], methodName: google.cloud.run.v1.Services.ReplaceService, request: {…}, requestMetadata: {…}, resourceLocation: {…}, resourceName: namespaces/myprojectforso-282419/services/example, response: {…}, servi…
2021-04-02 09:57:50.657 EDT
terminated: Application failed to start: Failed to create init process: failed to load /app/main: exec format error
System details on where I'm building my image:
- OS: macOS 11.2.3
- Chip: Apple M1
- Docker version: Docker Desktop for macOS v3.3.0 (62345)
Important Notes:
- This all works completely fine for me when I use another architecture, i.e. via Google Container Build or my home Windows (WSL) desktop.
- This also doesn't work with other codebases when built using the Apple M1 Chip, such as another project I have written in Rust as well as Dart. Doesn't seem language related.
- I've been using Google Cloud Run for years, this issue cropped up when using my new laptop with Apple M1 Chip.
您正在构建Google Cloud不支持的ARM兼容映像。
我遇到了一个类似的问题,将我的Mac M1构建的映像推到Heroku,我使用
从Docker API版本1.40开始,您可以使用