I have an XML file with the following structure...
<Tournament TeamPlayers="1">
<Player Seat="A">
The idea is that I would iterate through each child node ( Teams
, Staff
, Penalty
) and assign each into a list. I have the following bit of code to start but can't figure out how to go into the nested Players
element and assign it to .tpPlayerA
as part of the New PlayerInfo
Dim TeamsNodes = xDoc.Descendants("Teams")
lstOutputTeams = team.Descendants("Team").[Select](Function(t) New TournamentTeam With {
.intTeamID = t.Element("TeamID"),
.intByeRounds = t.Element("ByeRounds"),
.strTeamName = t.Element("Name"),
.strMemo = t.Element("Memo"),
.intStatus = t.Element("Status"),
.tpPlayerA = (From p In team.Descendants("Players") Select New PlayerInfo With {
.strMembershipNo = p.Element("MemberNo").Value,
.strPlayerFirstName = p.Element("PlayerFirstName").Value,
.strPlayerLastName = p.Element("PlayerLastName").Value,
.strMembershipName = p.Element("MemberName")})
(The above kind of ported from this answer: Nesting LINQ to XML )
However running the above,I get the error "Input string was not in a correct format". What did I get wrong here?