
nle07wnf  于 2022-12-08  发布在  Erlang

First of all sorry for my English.
I would like to use a backtracking algorithm in Erlang. It would serve as a guessing to solve partially filled sudokus. A 9x9 sudoku is stored as a list of 81 elements, where every element stores the possible number which can go into that cell.
For a 4x4 sudoku my initial solution looks like this: [[1],[3],[2],[4],[4],[2],[3],[1],[2,3],[4],[1],[2,3],[2,3],[1],[4],[2,3]]
This sudoku has 2 solutions. I have to write out both of them. After that initial solution reached, I need to implement a backtracking algorithm, but I don't know how to make it.
My thought is to write out the fixed elements into a new list called fixedlist which will change the multiple-solution cells to [].
For the above mentioned example the fixedlist looks like this: [[1],[3],[2],[4],[4],[2],[3],[1],[],[4],[1],[],[],[1],[4],[]]
From here I have a "sample", I look for the lowest length in the solutionlist which is not equal to 1, and I try the first possible number of this cell and I put it to that fixedlist. Here I have an algorithm to update the cells and checks if it is still a solvable sudoku or not. If not, I don't know how to step back one and try a new one. I know the pseudo code of it and I can use it for imperative languages but not for erlang. (prolog actually implemented backtrack algorithm, but erlang didn't)
Any idea?



这些是通用函数,它们提供了一个框架来处理回溯和逻辑变量,类似于prolog引擎。你必须提供描述程序逻辑的函数( predicate )。如果你像在prolog中那样写它们,我可以告诉你如何把它们翻译成erlang。简单地说,你可以翻译如下:

p :- q, r, s.


p(Next0) ->
    Next1 = fun () -> s(Next0) end,
    Next2 = fun () -> r(Next1) end,

