I've set up Firebase for frontend authentication and I am sending the ID token, which is a JWT, to my phoenix backend.
I am now stuck trying to verify the JWT.
Google instructions regarding the matter are here. tldr, grab the publicly accessible certificate and use it to verify the JWT signature was signed with the correct private key.
I have this so far
def verify(token) do
{:ok, resp} = HTTPoison.get(@cert_url)
%{body: body} = resp
body = Poison.Parser.parse!(body, %{})
{:ok, header} = Joken.peek_header(token)
cert = body[header["kid"]]
I'm lost there. Do I need to convert the public certificate to a public key? How do I create a Joken.Signer with RS256 signing algorithm and the public certificate? I am open to solutions that don't use Joken as well.
Thank you!
I found the JOSE library :D
To finish up the code…
Elixir code can probably be cleaned up ^_^