要求是为Erlang中的给定密码获取基于SHA-512的散列字符串。但是API crypto:hash()
32> crypto:hash(sha512,"password").
Unlikely, as a salt is not an input parameter of a secure hash. A secure hash such as SHA-512 only has one input: a binary message (and similarly, as output a statically sized binary value).
SHA-512 can however be used as primitive to create other algorithms. For instance, you can build a key derivation function out of it. If that KDF is used for passwords, then we talk about a password based KDF or - more commonly - a password hash. Now a password hash does include a salt as input parameter.
One such PBKDF is PBKDF2 which uses HMAC, which in turn can use SHA-512 (or any hash algorithm, defaulting to SHA-1). It is defined in the password based encryption (PBE) standard called PKCS#5 .
Finally, there are password hash documents that define how an the algorithm type, salt, work factor / iterations and password hash may be contained into a single string for easy verification . Those are generally just defined by somebody when the need arises; they are not really standardized as such.