I am making a ionic project and i want to have one left menu and one right menu,and the content on the midle.
My poblem is that i can only place one ionic-menu. I tried to place both, but only one appears.
The problems i get i where i place my , because both menus on the ionic docs have one.
This is my code:
Menu: 1 :
<ion-split-pane contentId="main" >
<!-- the side menu -->
<ion-menu side="start" menu-id="test1">
<!-- the main content -->
<ion-router-outlet id="main"></ion-router-outlet>
Menu 2:
<ion-split-pane contentId="main" >
<!-- the side menu -->
<ion-menu side="start" menu-id="test1">
<!-- the main content -->
<ion-router-outlet id="main"></ion-router-outlet>
Main content:
<ion-menu-button slot="start">TEste</ion-menu-button>
<ion-menu-button slot="end">TEste</ion-menu-button>
These are in separated files.
I want this :
But when i run the page, only one menu is displayed, the start one.
You need to add another ion-menu to you app.component.html and ensure you add the “side” attribute:
Now in order to feature menu buttons in each of the pages you need to add another ion-menu-button and use "menu" attribute to indicate which side it controls:
Above I used standard sidemenu ionic app (ionic start, then choose sidemenu app template)