python 为NLP任务使用EtherAPI GPT模型

mspsb9vt  于 2022-12-10  发布在  Python


generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B', device=0)
prompt= """[Original]: The diplomatic spat came days after France cut the number of visas it issues for citizens of Algeria and other North African countries.
[Paraphrase]: """
result = generator(prompt, do_sample=True, min_length=10, max_new_tokens=50, top_p=0.9, temperature=1)


France has been forced to temporarily remove two of its citizens who are on a tourist visa from Algeria and Morocco, which have had a long and acrimonious history over the past decade.
[Original]: The two visa holders, who


"""[Original]: Algeria recalled its ambassador to Paris on Saturday and closed its airspace to French military planes a day later after the French president made comments about the northern Africa country. 
[Paraphrase]: Last Saturday, the Algerian government recalled its ambassador and stopped accepting French military airplanes in its airspace. It happened one day after the French president made comments about Algeria.
[Original]: President Macron was quoted as saying the former French colony was ruled by a "political-military system" with an official history that was based not on truth, but on hatred of France.
[Paraphrase]: Emmanuel Macron said that the former colony was lying and angry at France. He also said that the country was ruled by a "political-military system".
[Original]: The diplomatic spat came days after France cut the number of visas it issues for citizens of Algeria and other North African countries.
[Paraphrase]: Diplomatic issues started appearing when France decided to stop granting visas to Algerian people and other North African people.
[Original]: After a war lasting 20 years, following the decision taken first by President Trump and then by President Biden to withdraw American troops, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, fell within a few hours to the Taliban, without resistance.




