jquery 我的webApp只显示列表中的第一个视频,其他的都不显示[已关闭]

kmbjn2e3  于 2022-12-12  发布在  jQuery

**已关闭。**此问题为not reproducible or was caused by typos。目前不接受答案。

Improve this question

function getVideos(){

//Replace the current HTML in that div with a loading message
$('#VideoList').html('<div class="spinner-border" role="status"><span class="sr-only"> &nbsp;</span>');

$.getJSON(RAI, function( data ) {
  //Create an array to hold all the retrieved assets
  var items = [];
    //Iterate through the returned records and build HTML, incorporating the key values of the record in the data
    $.each( data, function( key, val ) {

      items.push( "<hr />");
      items.push("<video width='320' height='240' controls>")
      items.push("<source src='"+BLOB_ACCOUNT + val["FilePath"] +"'  type='video/mp4' <br/>")
      items.push( "Movie title: " + val["MovieTitel"] + "<br />");
      items.push( "Genre: " + val["Genre"] + "<br />");
      items.push( "Uploaded by: " + val["UserId"] + "<br />");
      items.push( "<hr />");


    //Clear the assetlist div

    //Append the contents of the items array to the VideoList Div
    $( "<ul/>", {
      "class": "my-new-list",
      html: items.join( "" )
    }).appendTo( "#VideoList" );



[{"MovieId":"SOMESTRINGID","UserId":"test@email.com","MovieTitel":"test all api","Genre":"Funny","FilePath":"/video/XXXXXXXXXX"},{"MovieId":"SOMESTRINGID","UserId":"ginger@hotmail.com","MovieTitel":"Gingerites","Genre":"undefined","FilePath":"/video/XXXXXXXXXX"},
{"MovieId":"SOMESTRINGID","UserId":"test@email.com","MovieTitel":"Movie short","Genre":"undefined","FilePath":"/video/XXXXXXXXXX"},
{"MovieId":"SOMESTRINGID","UserId":"test@email.com","MovieTitel":"Movie short","Genre":"undefined","FilePath":"/video/XXXXXXXXXX"}]

I found out that the info was successfully past to the html form and that all the other videos are nested inside the first video. the html form also doesn't show any additional info like the genre or movie title of even the first vid. lots of clues but too stupid to piece it together, sorry about that
