在上载到Azure Blob存储区之前更改IFormFile的文件名

icomxhvb  于 2022-12-14  发布在  其他

我尝试在将IFormFile上载到Azure Blob存储之前更改其文件名,但当前解决方案不起作用

public async Task<ExecuteResult> UploadAsync(string name, IFormFile file, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
          using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine("", name), FileMode.Create))
                await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream);

        BlobClient client = _client.GetBlobClient(file.FileName);

        await using (Stream? data = file.OpenReadStream())
            await client.UploadAsync(data, true, cancellationToken);
            return ExecuteResult.Success();
        catch (RequestFailedException ex)
            when (ex.ErrorCode == BlobErrorCode.BlobAlreadyExists)
            await UploadFileAsync(file, cancellationToken);

            return ExecuteResult.Success();
        catch (RequestFailedException ex)
            return ExecuteResult.Fail(new Error($"Unhandled Exception. ID: {ex.StackTrace} - Message: {ex.Message}", ""));




BlobClient client = _client.GetBlobClient($"{name}{format}");


public async Task<ExecuteResult> UploadAsync(string name, IFormFile file, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            string format = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);

            BlobClient client = _client.GetBlobClient($"{name}{format}");

            await using (Stream? data = file.OpenReadStream())
                await client.UploadAsync(data, true, new CancellationToken());

            return ExecuteResult.Success();
        catch (RequestFailedException ex)
            return ExecuteResult.Fail(new Error($"Unhandled Exception. ID: {ex.StackTrace} - Message: {ex.Message}", ""));



public async Task<BlobResponseDto> UploadWithPrefixAsync(IFormFile blob, string prefix)
        // Create new upload response object that we can return to the requesting method
        BlobResponseDto response = new BlobResponseDto();

        // Get a reference to a container named in appsettings.json and then create it
        BlobContainerClient container = new BlobContainerClient(_storageConnectionString, _storageContainerName);
        //await container.CreateAsync();

            // Get a reference to the blob just uploaded from the API in a container from configuration settings
            BlobClient client = container.GetBlobClient($"{prefix}" + blob.FileName);

            // Open a stream for the file we want to upload
            await using (Stream? data = blob.OpenReadStream())
                // Upload the file async
                await client.UploadAsync(data);

            // Everything is OK and file got uploaded
            response.Status = $"File {blob.FileName} Uploaded Successfully";
            response.Error = false;
            response.Blob.Uri = client.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
            response.Blob.Name = client.Name;

        // If the file already exists, we catch the exception and do not upload it
        catch (RequestFailedException ex)
           when (ex.ErrorCode == BlobErrorCode.BlobAlreadyExists)
            _logger.LogError($"File with name {blob.FileName} already exists in container. Set another name to store the file in the container: '{_storageContainerName}.'");
            response.Status = $"File with name {blob.FileName} already exists. Please use another name to store your file.";
            response.Error = true;
            return response;
        // If we get an unexpected error, we catch it here and return the error message
        catch (RequestFailedException ex)
            // Log error to console and create a new response we can return to the requesting method
            _logger.LogError($"Unhandled Exception. ID: {ex.StackTrace} - Message: {ex.Message}");
            response.Status = $"Unexpected error: {ex.StackTrace}. Check log with StackTrace ID.";
            response.Error = true;
            return response;

        // Return the BlobUploadResponse object
        return response;

我对这个解决方案的灵感来自于阅读了Christian Schou的this伟大文章之后。
