excel 如果输入了不正确的值,是否有方法退出单元格编辑会话而不进行任何更改?

brc7rcf0  于 2022-12-14  发布在  其他


Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

' Written by Philip Treacy
' https://www.myonlinetraininghub.com/select-multiple-items-from-drop-down-data-validation-list

    Dim OldVal As String
    Dim NewVal As String
    ' If more than 1 cell is being changed
    If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Not Intersect(Target, ActiveSheet.Range("Date_Entry")) Is Nothing Then
        ' Turn off events so our changes don't trigger this event again
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        NewVal = Target.Value
        ' If there's nothing to undo this will cause an error
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
        OldVal = Target.Value
        ' If selection is already in the cell we want to remove it
        If InStr(OldVal, NewVal) Then
            'If there's a comma in the cell, there's more than one word in the cell
            If InStr(OldVal, ",") Then
                If InStr(OldVal, ", " & NewVal) Then
                    Target.Value = Replace(OldVal, ", " & NewVal, "")
                    Target.Value = Replace(OldVal, NewVal & ", ", "")
                End If
                ' If we get to here the selection was the only thing in the cell
                Target.Value = ""
            End If
            If OldVal = "" Then
                Target.Value = NewVal
                ' Delete cell contents
                If NewVal = "" Then
                    Target.Value = ""
                    ' This IF prevents the same value appearing in the cell multiple times
                    ' If you are happy to have the same value multiple times remove this IF
                    If InStr(Target.Value, NewVal) = 0 Then
                        Target.Value = OldVal & ", " & NewVal
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Exit Sub
    End If

End Sub


Sub customised_validation_dates()

With ActiveSheet.Range("Date_Entry").Validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateDate, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
     Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="01/01/2000", Formula2:="=TODAY()"
    .IgnoreBlank = True
    .ErrorTitle = "Invalid Date"
    .ErrorMessage = "Input must be date between 01/01/2000 and today. Date must also be entered in DD/MM/YYYY format."
    .ShowInput = True
    .ShowError = True
End With

End Sub


我的大部分代码来自this website,它最初是为了允许用户覆盖excel的数据验证方法,允许从数据验证列表中选择多个项,并删除重复项而编写的。我修改了这段代码,以便随后检查值是否为日期,然后检查该日期是否福尔斯指定的范围内。

Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

    Dim OldVal As String 'original cell value before edit
    Dim NewVal As String 'new value entered by user
    Dim dtStart As Date 'start value as date, for date range validation
    Dim dtEnd As Date 'end value as date, for date range validation
    dtStart = #1/1/2000# 'set a start date
    dtEnd = Date 'get today's date and set it as the end date
    ' If more than 1 cell is being changed
    If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
    If Not Intersect(Target, ActiveSheet.Range("stack_vba_testing")) Is Nothing Then
        ' Turn off events so our changes don't trigger this event again
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        ' store the selected date into a value called "NewVal"
        NewVal = Target.Value
        ' If there's nothing to undo this will cause an error
        On Error Resume Next
        'we don't want the new value to take over the cell, so undo adding the new value
        On Error GoTo 0
        'because of application.undo, we can access the original cell value. store that as "OldVal"
        OldVal = Target.Value
        'Before starting, reformat NewVal to dd mm yyyy, because excel does weird things when / is used to seperate mm dd yyyy
        NewVal = Format(NewVal, "dd mm yyyy")

        'check if oldval contains newval
        If InStr(OldVal, NewVal) Then
            'Check if there is a comma in the cell, which would indicate that there is more than one value in the cell
            If InStr(OldVal, ",") Then
                'Then check if the oldval contains a comma *followed by* the new val
                If InStr(OldVal, ", " & NewVal) Then
                    'then remove the comma and the value; replace with an empty space
                    Target.Value = Replace(OldVal, ", " & NewVal, "")
                'Else, if old val contains new val but ends witha comma (instead of starting with a comma)
                    'then replace the value (which ends with a comma) with an empty space
                    Target.Value = Replace(OldVal, NewVal & ", ", "")
                End If
                'Else, old val was equal to new val without anything else in the cell, so make the cell = nothing
                Target.Value = ""
            End If
            'Check if old value = nothing/empty
            If OldVal = "" Then 'check if oldval is empty
                If IsDate(NewVal) Then 'if old val is empty, check if new val is a date
                    If NewVal >= dtStart And NewVal <= dtEnd Then 'if newval is a date, check if it falls within date range
                        Target.Value = Format(NewVal, "dd mm yyyy") 'if new val is a date, make the cell = newval
                    MsgBox ("Date is out of range (01/01/2000 and Today)")
                    End If
                    MsgBox ("Not a date") 'otherwise, throw error message
                    Target.Value = OldVal 'and keep original cell contents
                End If
                'If the new value = nothing, then make the cell = nothing
                If NewVal = "" Then
                    Target.Value = ""
                    'Check if the old value (target) are different
                    If InStr(Target.Value, NewVal) = 0 Then
                        If IsDate(NewVal) Then 'if they are different check if newval is a date value
                            If NewVal >= dtStart And NewVal <= dtEnd Then 'if newval is a date, check if it falls within date range
                            Target.Value = OldVal & ", " & Format(NewVal, "dd mm yyyy") 'if date falls within specified range, concatenate newval and oldval using a comma
                                MsgBox ("Date out of range")
                            End If
                            MsgBox ("Not a date") 'if new val is not a date, throw error message
                            Target.Value = OldVal 'and keep original cell value
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Application.EnableEvents = True
        Exit Sub
    End If

End Sub
