.net 如何通过使用命令行激活Net Reactor与许可证文件

h5qlskok  于 2022-12-14  发布在  .NET

I did purchase the license of the .Net Reactor, but I couldn't find any documentation about how to activate the .Net Reactor to Full version by using command line.

  1. The reason why I need to using command line to activate is because I try to implement the process into GitHub Actions.
    Steps: Install .Net Reactor > Build Solution > Obfuscation
  2. Another reason is MacOS does not have UI, everything is using terminal to execute the obfuscation process.
    I'm using latest version, .Net Reactor on Win and MacOs. I did try using option -licensed and -staticlicensefilename license.license But I dun have time to wait 14 days later to check the obfuscated dlls was expired or not. Or anyone know how to check the obfuscated dlls expiration?
    Im expecting someone who used .Net Reactor able to give some guideline on how to activate the .Net Reactor Full version on Window and MacOS by using command line.


GitHub Action能否模拟正确的环境来支持.Net Reactor还有待观察。
由于.NET Reactor是基于Windows的,因此必须使用Windows生成代理。可以按以下方式在管道YAML文件中定义Windows代理:
