我正在尝试根据How to search Hierarchical Data with Linq问题中提供的建议搜索分层数据,但是,我卡住了。
var NodeTypes = new NodeType[] {
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Level",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "01" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Child Level 0101",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0101" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 1234, ModelTitle = "Target-1234" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Child Level 0102",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0102" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 2345, ModelTitle = "Target-2345" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Level",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "02" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 0201",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0201" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 020101",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "020101" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 2345, ModelTitle = "Target-2345" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 0202",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0202" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 3456, ModelTitle = "Target-3456" },
Node = null
我已经把sample code放在这里了。
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<T> Flatten<T>(this T source, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> selector)
return selector(source).SelectMany(c => Flatten(c, selector))
.Concat(new[] { source });
public class ModelType
public string ModelTitle;
public long ModelId;
public class CodeType
public string CodeValue;
public class NodeType
public string NodeTypeDescription { get; set; }
public object Item { get; set; }
public NodeType[] Node { get; set; }
public class Program
public static void Main()
var NodeTypes = new NodeType[] {
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Level",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "01" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Child Level 0101",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0101" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 1234, ModelTitle = "Target-1234" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "First Child Level 0102",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0102" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 2345, ModelTitle = "Target-2345" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Level",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "02" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 0201",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0201" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 020101",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "020101" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 2345, ModelTitle = "Target-2345" },
Node = null
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Second Child Level 0202",
Item = new CodeType(){ CodeValue = "0202" },
Node = new NodeType[]{
new NodeType{
NodeTypeDescription = "Target Level Description",
Item = new ModelType(){ ModelId = 3456, ModelTitle = "Target-3456" },
Node = null
var result = NodeTypes[0].Flatten(x => x.Node).Where(y => ((ModelType)(y.Item)).ModelId == 2345);
var result = NodeTypes[0].Flatten(x => x.Node).Where(y => ((ModelType)(y.Item)).ModelId == 2345);
var result2 = DepthFirst<NodeType>(NodeTypes, n => n.Node).ToList();
var result1 = result2.Where(n => n.Item.GetType() == typeof(ModelType) && ((ModelType)n.Item).ModelId == 2345).ToList();
DepthFirst(nodeTypes, n => n.Node)