我尝试在写入蓝牙设备后读取通知值的更新。This question类似,但没有答案。我已使用nRF Connect应用程序测试设备以写入并观察通知值变化,但当我尝试使用Flutter_Blue_Plus包执行此操作时(包括their example app)通知值始终为空。当我使用nRF Connect应用程序时,通知值从不为空。
List<ScanResult> result = [];
try {
result = await FlutterBluePlus.instance.startScan(timeout: Duration(seconds: 5)) as List<ScanResult>;
resultIndex = getResultIndex(result, event.dataTrac.sensor.dtId.getOrCrash());
catch (ex){
log("Scan failed because another scan was already in progress.");
try {
if (resultIndex == -1){
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
result = await FlutterBluePlus.instance.startScan(timeout: Duration(seconds: 5)) as List<ScanResult>;
resultIndex = getResultIndex(result, event.dataTrac.sensor.dtId.getOrCrash());
if (resultIndex > -1){
catch (ex){
log("Exception while scanning: $ex");
if (resultIndex > -1 && result.isNotEmpty){
final ScanResult r = result.elementAt(resultIndex);
//Make sure we aren't already connected to the device
if (!(await FlutterBluePlus.instance.connectedDevices).contains(r.device)) {
//log("Had not connected to device; connecting now");
await r.device.connect(autoConnect: false);
await r.device.mtu.first;
final int response = await r.device.requestMtu(165);
log("New Mtu: $response");
final List<BluetoothService> serviceList = await r.device.discoverServices();
for (final s in serviceList) {
//log("Service UUID: ${s.uuid}", name: "programming_status_bloc.dart");
if (s.uuid.toString() ==
"6e400001-b5a3-f393-e0a9-e50e24dcca9e") {
serviceFound = true;
final actualTxChar = s.characteristics.firstWhere((element) => element.uuid.toString() == txChar);
final success = await actualTxChar.setNotifyValue(true);
if (success){
log("Set notify value.");
else {
log("**Failed to set notify value.**");
final actualRxChar = s.characteristics.firstWhere((element) => element.uuid.toString() == rxChar);
//log("Char UUID: ${char.uuid}");
if (continueWriting) {
continueWriting = false;
//TODO: change CID for production
final List<int> payload = createPayload(event.dataTrac, event.changedValuesMap, 151);
//final payload = [12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 0, 70];
await actualRxChar.write(payload);
log("Wrote to device.");
// final readResult = await actualRxChar.read();
// log("Read result: $readResult");
bool readYet = false;
final txCharSubscription = actualTxChar.value.listen((value){
log("Notify value: $value");
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 4));
await txCharSubscription.cancel();
await r.device.disconnect();
await FlutterBluePlus.instance.stopScan();
if (!serviceFound){
await FlutterBluePlus.instance.stopScan();
实际上,问题在于Flutter Blue Plus(或者可能是手机蓝牙)需要几秒钟(我测试时超过了4秒)才能接收到notify值。PC应用程序马上就接收到了。如果我把取消订阅前的延迟时间增加到10秒,notify值就能正常通过。