C语言 在一个循环内部,一个链表看起来很好,但是在外部它是空的

3bygqnnd  于 2022-12-17  发布在  其他


Lada 1976
Ferrari 2005
Suzuki 1985
Volvo 1963
Toyota 1993
Honda 2011


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct car {
    char brand[15];
    int year; 
    struct car *prev; 
    struct car *next; 
} car;

void readCars(char *fname, car *newCar, car *first, car *last);
void printCars(car *ptr, car *first);
void freeMemory(car *ptr, car *first);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    car *first = NULL; // a pointer to the first node of the linked list
    car *last = NULL; // a pointer to the last node of the linked list
    car *newCar; // a pointer for new nodes
    car *ptr; // a pointer for iterating the linked list
    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("No filename provided.\n");
    printf("Reading the file %s.\n", argv[1]);
    readCars(argv[1], newCar, first, last);
    printCars(ptr, first);
    freeMemory(ptr, first);
    printf("Program ended.\n");

void readCars(char *fname, car *newCar, car *first, car *last) {    
    FILE *tiedosto;
    char rivi[22];
    if ((tiedosto = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open the file.\nProgram ended.\n");
    while (fgets(rivi, 22, tiedosto) != NULL) {
        if ((newCar = (car*)malloc(sizeof(car))) == NULL) { // allocate memory for a new node
                perror("Memory allocation failure.\n");
        sscanf(rivi, "%s %d", newCar->brand, &newCar->year); // set the car brand and age to the new node
        newCar->next = NULL; // set the pointer to next node to NULL as there is no next node
        newCar->prev = last; // set the pointer to the previous node to the previous last node (NULL if there was no previous)
        if (first == NULL) { 
            first = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is the first node
            last = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is also the last node
        } else {
            last->next = newCar; // the new node is next node of the previous last node
            last = newCar; // the new node is now the last node
    printf("File read into a linked list.\n");

void printCars(car *ptr, car *first) {
    if(first == NULL) {
        printf("No cars found.\n");
    } else {
        ptr = first;
        int count = 1;
        while (ptr != NULL) {
            printf("%d. car: %s from the year %d.\n", count, ptr->brand, ptr->year);
            count += 1;
            ptr = ptr->next;

void freeMemory(car *ptr, car *first) { 
    ptr = first;
    while (ptr != NULL) {
        first = ptr->next;
        ptr = first;
    printf("Memory freed.\n");



if (first == NULL) { 
    first = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is the first node
    last = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is also the last node
} else {
    last->next = newCar; // the new node is next node of the previous last node
    last = newCar; // the new node is now the last node


void readCars(char *fname, car *newCar, car **first, car **last)


if ( *first == NULL ) { 
    *first = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is the first node
    *last = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is also the last node
} else {
    (*last)->next = newCar; // the new node is next node of the previous last node
    (*last) = newCar; // the new node is now the last node





#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct car {
    char brand[15];
    int year; 
    struct car *prev; 
    struct car *next; 
} car;

void readCars(char *fname, car *newCar, car **first, car **last);
void printCars(car *ptr, car *first);
void freeMemory(car *ptr, car *first);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    car *first = NULL; // a pointer to the first node of the linked list
    car *last = NULL; // a pointer to the last node of the linked list
    car *newCar; // a pointer for new nodes
    car *ptr; // a pointer for iterating the linked list
    if(argc != 2) {
        printf("No filename provided.\n");
    printf("Reading the file %s.\n", argv[1]);
    readCars(argv[1], newCar, &first, &last);
    printCars(ptr, first);
    freeMemory(ptr, first);
    printf("Program ended.\n");

void readCars(char *fname, car *newCar, car **first, car **last) {    
    FILE *tiedosto;
    char rivi[22];
    if ((tiedosto = fopen(fname, "r")) == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to open the file.\nProgram ended.\n");
    while (fgets(rivi, 22, tiedosto) != NULL) {
        if ((newCar = (car*)malloc(sizeof(car))) == NULL) { // allocate memory for a new node
                perror("Memory allocation failure.\n");
        sscanf(rivi, "%s %d", newCar->brand, &newCar->year); // set the  car brand and age to the new node
        newCar->next = NULL; // set the pointer to next node to NULL as  there is no next node
        newCar->prev = *last; // set the pointer to the previous node to  the previous last node (NULL if there was no previous)
        if (*first == NULL) {
            *first = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is the  first node
            *last = newCar; // the new node is the only node so it is also  the last node
        } else {
            (*last)->next = newCar; // the new node is next node of the previous last node
            *last = newCar; // the new node is now the last node
    printf("File read into a linked list.\n");

void printCars(car *ptr, car *first) {
    if(first == NULL) {
        printf("No cars found.\n");
    } else {
        ptr = first;
        int count = 1;
        while (ptr != NULL) {
            printf("%d. car: %s from the year %d.\n", count, ptr->brand,  ptr->year);
            count += 1;
            ptr = ptr->next;

void freeMemory(car *ptr, car *first) { 
    ptr = first;
    while (ptr != NULL) {
        first = ptr->next;
        ptr = first;
    printf("Memory freed.\n");

