unity3d 如何充分利用BFS实现亚毫秒级执行?

pzfprimi  于 2022-12-23  发布在  其他


using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

public class VisionGraph : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform Ground;
    public int Height;
    public int Width;
    private MeshFilter mf;
    public Vector3[] Vertices;
    public float precision;
    public Vector3 SelectedVertex;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    private void Start()
        mf = Ground.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        Matrix4x4 localToWorld = transform.localToWorldMatrix;

        Vector3 world_max = localToWorld.MultiplyPoint3x4(mf.mesh.vertices[0]);

        Width = Mathf.RoundToInt(world_max.z * (1 / precision));
        int maxIndex = Mathf.RoundToInt((world_max.z * (1 / precision)) * (Height * (1 / precision)) * world_max.x);
        Vertices = new Vector3[maxIndex];
        //This is the graph initialization. 
        //Indices increment by 1 while actual coordinates increments by `precision`. 
        //Indices are then reversed to coordinates in BFS with `position/precision`.
        int xInd, yInd, zInd; xInd = yInd = zInd = 0;
        float x, y, z; x = y = z = 0;

        int index = 0;

        while (index < Vertices.Length - 1)
            index = (yInd * (Width * Width)) + (zInd * Width) + xInd;

            Debug.Log(index + " " + maxIndex);
            Vertices[index] = new(x, y, z);
            x += precision;

            if (x > world_max.x)
                x = 0;
                xInd = 0;
                z += precision;

                if (z > world_max.z)
                    z = 0;
                    zInd = 0;
                    y += precision;

        SelectedVertex = Vertices[600];

    private void OnDrawGizmos()
        // Needs to be turned into retrieve index from position.
        // but i'm not sure how to clamp the continuous position to `precision` steps.

        SelectedVertex = Vertices.Where(v => Vector3.Distance(v, SelectedVertex) <= precision - 0.0001 ).FirstOrDefault();

        var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
        List<Vector3Int> closeVertices = BFS(SelectedVertex, 10); // second param is the search depth

        foreach (var vert in closeVertices)
            var index = (vert.y * (Width * Width)) + (vert.z * Width) + vert.x;
            if (index >= Vertices.Length) continue;
            Gizmos.color = Color.red;
            Gizmos.DrawSphere(Vertices[index], 0.1f);

    private List<Vector3Int> BFS(Vector3 start, int depth)
        Vector3Int startIndex = new((int)(start.x / precision), (int)(start.y / precision), (int)(start.z / precision));

        Dictionary<Vector3Int, bool> closedList = new();
        List<Vector3Int> queue = new() { startIndex };

        while (queue.Count > 0)
            Vector3Int v = queue[^1];

            Vector3Int[] neighbors = new[]
                v + Vector3Int.left,
                v + Vector3Int.right,
                v + Vector3Int.up,
                v + Vector3Int.down,
                v + Vector3Int.forward,
                v + Vector3Int.back,
            foreach (Vector3Int n in neighbors)
                if (n.x < 0 || n.y < 0 || n.z < 0) continue; // this will alos include the high limit of the grid but i dont "need" it at this point of the tests

                //For every implementation of graph search algorithms I make, this always seem to bee the weak part.
                if ((n - startIndex).sqrMagnitude > depth*depth || queue.Any(vert => vert == n) || closedList.ContainsKey(n)) continue;

                queue.Insert(0, n);
            closedList.Add(v, true); 

        return closedList.Keys.ToList();

closedList上使用字典是一个很糟糕的尝试,试图减少列表搜索时间,它曾经是closedList.Any(vert => vert == n),但我没有看到每一个的使用有很大的变化。我真的很高兴,如果有人能指出是什么真正减缓了这一点。



1.第二种方法是你的代码但是“重新调整”了,但是从循环中取出了neighbours数组创建,并添加了Queue<Vector3Int>而不是List<Vector3Int>,因为我怀疑插入到List<T>的元素0可能是原始代码中问题的一个重要部分,还将Dictionary<Vector3Int, bool>替换为HashSet<Vector3Int>。我还用Contains(v)替换了Any(v => v == n)。结果Contains明显更快。

private List<Vector3Int> BFS_Optimised ( Vector3 start, int depth )
    Vector3Int startIndex = new((int)(start.x / precision), (int)(start.y / precision), (int)(start.z / precision));
    HashSet<Vector3Int> closedList = new ();
    Queue<Vector3Int> queue = new ();
    var dSquared = depth * depth;

    Vector3Int[] neighbors =
        new[] { Vector3Int.left, Vector3Int.right, Vector3Int.up, Vector3Int.down, Vector3Int.forward, Vector3Int.back };

    while ( queue.Count > 0 )
        var v = queue.Dequeue();
        for ( int i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
            var n = v + neighbors[i];
            if ( n.x < 0 || n.y < 0 || n.z < 0 )
                continue; // this will alos include the high limit of the grid but i dont "need" it at this point of the tests
            if ( ( n - startIndex ).sqrMagnitude > dSquared 
                    || closedList.Contains ( n ) 
                    ||  queue.Contains ( n ) ) // queue.Any(v => v == n ) ) //
            queue.Enqueue ( n );
        closedList.Add ( v );
    return closedList.ToList ( );

private List<Vector3Int> BFS_Optimised2 ( Vector3 start, int depth )
    Vector3Int startIndex = new((int)(start.x / precision), (int)(start.y / precision), (int)(start.z / precision));
    HashSet<Vector3Int> closedList = new ();
    Queue<Vector3Int> queue = new ();
    queue.Enqueue ( startIndex );
    HashSet<Vector3Int> qHash = new ( ) { startIndex };
    var dSquared = depth * depth;

    Vector3Int[] neighbors = 
            new[] { Vector3Int.left, Vector3Int.right, Vector3Int.up, Vector3Int.down, Vector3Int.forward, Vector3Int.back };

    while ( queue.Count > 0 )
        var v = queue.Dequeue();
        qHash.Remove ( v );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
            var n = v + neighbors[i];
            if ( n.x < 0 || n.y < 0 || n.z < 0 )
                continue; // this will alos include the high limit of the grid but i dont "need" it at this point of the tests
            if ( ( n - startIndex ).sqrMagnitude > dSquared 
                    || closedList.Contains ( n ) 
                    || qHash.Contains ( n ) )
            queue.Enqueue ( n );
            qHash.Add ( n );
        closedList.Add ( v );
    return closedList.ToList ( );


async void Run ( )
    var iterations = 100;
    var d = 10;
    var v = new Vector3 ( 10, 10, 10 );

    List<Vector3Int> r1 = default;
    List<Vector3Int> r2 = default;
    List<Vector3Int> r3 = default;
    List<Vector3Int> r4 = default;

    Debug.Log ( "Waiting ... " );
    await Task.Delay ( 2000 );
    Debug.Log ( "Run ... " );

    Stopwatch sw = new();
    sw.Start ( );
    for ( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
        r1 = BFS ( v, d );
    sw.Stop ( );
    var t1 = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

    sw.Restart ( );
    for ( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
        r2 = BFS_Optimised ( v, d );
    sw.Stop ( );
    var t2 = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

    sw.Restart ( );
    for ( int i = 0; i < iterations; i++ )
        r3 = BFS_Optimised2 ( v, d );
    sw.Stop ( );
    var t3 = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

    sw.Restart ( );
    r4 = await Task.Run ( ( ) => BFS_Optimised2 ( v, d ) );
    sw.Stop ( );
    var t4 = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

    StringBuilder sb = new();
    sb.AppendLine ( $"Original : {t1} ms [{r1.Count}] ({r1 [ 0 ]}) .. ({r1 [ ^1 ]})" );
    sb.AppendLine ( $"Optimised : {t2} ms [{r2.Count}] ({r2 [ 0 ]}) .. ({r2 [ ^1 ]})" );
    sb.AppendLine ( $"Optimised2 : {t3} ms [{r3.Count}] ({r3 [ 0 ]}) .. ({r3 [ ^1 ]})" );
    sb.AppendLine ( $"Optimised2 Task.Run : {t4} ms [{r4.Count}] ({r4 [ 0 ]}) .. ({r4 [ ^1 ]})" );
    Debug.Log ( sb.ToString ( ) );


Original : 10701.7465 ms [4169] ((10, 10, 10)) .. ((15, 5, 3))
Optimised : 1830.9519 ms [4169] ((10, 10, 10)) .. ((15, 5, 3))
Optimised2 : 209.1559 ms [4169] ((10, 10, 10)) .. ((15, 5, 3))
Optimised2 Task.Run : 17.7353 ms [4169] ((10, 10, 10)) .. ((15, 5, 3))



void cPathFinder::breadth(
        std::function<void(int v, int p)> visitor)
        if (!nodeCount())
            throw std::runtime_error("breadth called on empty graph");

        std::vector<bool> visited(nodeCount(), false);
        std::queue<int> Q;

        visited[myStart] = true;

        while (Q.size())
            int v = Q.front();
            for (int w : adjacent(v))
                if (!visited[w])
                    // reached a new node
                    visitor(w, v);
                    visited[w] = true;
