18:00:34 -------------------------------------------------------
18:00:34 T E S T S
18:00:34 -------------------------------------------------------
18:00:35 Running TestSuite
18:12:46 Tests run: 568, Failures: 16, Errors: 0, Skipped: 552, Time elapsed: 731.137 sec <<< FAILURE!
18:12:46 Results :
18:12:46 Failed tests: setUp(com.abcd.fe.web.integration.myaccount.test.SettingsPageTest): Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
18:12:46 setUp(com.abcd.fe.web.integration.footer.test.FooterMenuBottomTest): Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
18:12:46 setUp(com.abcd.fe.web.integration.help.test.HelpPageTest): Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
18:12:46 setUp(com.abcd.fe.web.integration.myaccount.test.MyAccountPageTest): Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
18:12:46 setUp(com.abcd.fe.web.integration.loginsignup.test.SignupPageTest): Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(/usr/bin/firefox) on port 7055; process output follows:
18:12:46 Tests run: 568, Failures: 16, Errors: 0, Skipped: 552
18:12:46 [ERROR] There are test failures.
18:12:46 Please refer to /var/lib/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/fe-abcd-xyz- integration-test/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results.
18:12:46 [JENKINS] Recording test results
18:12:48 [INFO]
18:12:48 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ abcd-xyz-test ---
18:12:48 [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/fe-abcd-xyz-integration-test/target/abcd-xyz-test-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/abcd/test/fe/functional/abcd-xyz-test/2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/abcd-xyz-test-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
18:12:48 [INFO] Installing /var/lib/jenkins/jenkins/workspace/fe-abcd-xyz-integration-test/pom.xml to /home/jenkins/.m2/repository/com/abcd/test/fe/functional/abcd-xyz-test/2.0.0-SNAPSHOT/abcd-xyz-test-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
18:12:48 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18:12:48 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18:12:48 [INFO] Total time: 12:23.959s
18:12:48 [INFO] Finished at: Thu Aug 29 18:12:48 PDT 2013
18:12:48 [INFO] Final Memory: 25M/198M
18:12:48 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
18:12:49 [JENKINS] Archiving disabled
18:12:49 Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data
18:12:49 Sending e-mails to: abcd-xyz-dev@abcd.com abcd-xyz-qa@abcd.com
18:12:49 channel stopped
18:12:49 [ANALYSIS-COLLECTOR] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #589
18:12:49 TestNG Reports Processing: START
18:12:49 Looking for TestNG results report in workspace using pattern: **/target/surefire-reports/testng-results.xml
18:12:49 Saving reports...
18:12:49 Processing '/var/lib/jenkins/jenkins/jobs/fe-abcd-xyz-integration-test/builds/2013-08-29_18-00-18/testng/testng-results.xml'
18:12:49 TestNG Reports Processing: FINISH
18:12:49 Sending e-mails to: abcd-xyz-dev@abcd.com abcd-xyz-qa@abcd.com
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Build result
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of failed tests
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Increased number of passed tests
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of failed tests
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Decreased number of passed tests
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open HIGH priority tasks
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open NORMAL priority tasks
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Open LOW priority tasks
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: PMD violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: pylint violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: CPD violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Checkstyle violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: FindBugs violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: FXCop violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Simian violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: StyleCop violation
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: HIGH priority PMD warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: NORMAL priority PMD warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: LOW priority PMD warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: New HIGH priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: New NORMAL priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: New LOW priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed HIGH priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed NORMAL priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Fixed LOW priority Findbugs warnings
18:12:49 [ci-game] evaluating rule: Changed number of compiler warnings
18:12:49 Notifying upstream projects of job completion
18:12:49 Finished: UNSTABLE
这是我在porm.xml selenium中遇到的错误。服务器版本是2.33.0,服务器中的Firefox版本是10.0。从3天开始,我遇到了这个问题,在它运行正常之前。为什么它在本地计算机中运行,为什么它不在Jenkins中运行。
这帮助我解决了这个问题:Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary with Selenium in Maven
First fix your Firefox version and selenium version match by testing it locally. If you are running job through Jenkins and in the logs you are getting error Unable to connect to host on port 7055 after 45000 ms. Firefox console output: Error: cannot open display: :0
示例:Xvfb:15-screen 0 1024x768x16因此,请先检查此选项,您可以通过将ps-ef添加到作业的预处理步骤(shell执行)中来将此检查包含到作业中。
2)即使您已经显式定义了DISPLAY值,但仍然会出现错误,那么最好的方法是将其作为环境值注入Jenkin作业本身。在构建环境〉〉注入环境变量〉〉属性内容〉〉DISPLAY =:15(您可以根据自己的选择进行显示,但应在xvfb中运行相同的显示)