kotlin 如何添加到以前预填充的房间数据库?

m1m5dgzv  于 2023-01-02  发布在  Kotlin


private fun addNewWord(){
    val newWord1 = Word(1, "John", "Weight")
    val newWord2 = Word(2, "Alex", "So"
    wordViewModel.addWord(newWord1, newWord2)




有许多更好的(只要 * 这将给应用程序带来不必要的负担 *),假设不必要的负担是与每当应用程序运行时尝试插入记录相关的开销(每当数据库打开时更正确)。

最简单的解决方案,但不是真正更好的解决方案(甚至可能是您尝试过的)是忽略重复项(如果您还没有忽略它们的话),这涉及到使用INSERT OR IGNORE ....,其中一个或多个列或列的组合具有UNQIUE索引。

所有房间表(FTS(全文搜索)除外)都必须具有主键主键隐式为UNIQUE。因此,如果使用INSERT OR IGNORE ....,则将忽略UNIQUE CONFLICT(不插入行,并忽略会导致异常的冲突)。
要指定INSERT OR IGNORE以方便@Insert,则可以指定@Insert注解的onConflict值。例如

@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
fun insert(word: Word): Long
  • 便利性@Insert返回插入行的rowid,或者如果由于忽略该行而没有插入该行,则返回-1,这可以被检查以查看是否插入了行。
  • 存在于“所有房间”表格 * 中的通常隐藏的列(如同存在于任何不是虚拟表格或定义为WITHOUT ROWID表格的SQLite表格中一样)*。


    indices = [
        /* A composite UNIQUE index on word1 combined with word2 */
        Index(value = ["word1","word2"], unique = true)
        /* example
        * if a row exists that has A as word1 and B as word2 then (index value can be considered as AB):-
        *       inserting a new row with B and A would be inserted (index value BA)
        *       inserting a new row with B and B (or A and A) would be inserted (index value BB or AA)
        *       inserting a row with B and A would result in a UNIQUE CONFLICT
        *       inserting a row with BA and nothing (aka null) would be inserted (assuming NOT NULL was not coded or implied for column word2)

            An Index on a single column (word1 so the value in the word1 column cannot be duplicated)
            NOTE the above would not apply if this index was also included
            In this case then word1 =A and word2 = A above (third insert (or A and A)) would be considered a duplicate
        , Index(value = ["word1"], unique = true)
data class Word(
    var id: Long?=null,
    var word1: String,
    var word2: String

没有 “不必要负担”的更好解决方案




    indices = [
        /* A composite UNIQUE index on word1 combined with word2 */
        Index(value = ["word1","word2"], unique = true)
        /* example
        * if a row exists that has A as word1 and B as word2 then (index value can be considered as AB):-
        *       inserting a new row with B and A would be inserted (index value BA)
        *       inserting a new row with B and B (or A and A) would be inserted (index value BB or AA)
        *       inserting a row with B and A would result in a UNIQUE CONFLICT
        *       inserting a row with BA and nothing (aka null) would be inserted (assuming NOT NULL was not coded or implied for column word2)
data class Word(
    var id: Long?=null,
    var word1: String,
    var word2: String

interface TheDAOs {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
    fun insert(word: Word): Long
    @Query("SELECT * FROM word")
    fun getAllWords(): List<Word>

const val DATABASE_NAME = "the_database.db"
@Database(entities = [Word::class], exportSchema = false, version = 1)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun getTheDAOs(): TheDAOs

    companion object {
        private var instance: TheDatabase?=null
        fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
            if (instance==null) {
                instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TheDatabase::class.java, DATABASE_NAME)
                    .allowMainThreadQueries() /* For convenience of the demo */
            return instance as TheDatabase
        private val mig1to2 = object: Migration(1,2) {
            override fun migrate(database: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                Log.d("MIG1-2", "Migration is running")
                val cv = ContentValues()
                cv.put("word1", "NEWWORD W1=W")
                cv.put("word2", "NEWWORD W2=W")
                database.insert("word", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE, cv)
                cv.put("word1", "NEWWORD W1=X")
                cv.put("word2", "NEWWORD W2=X")
                database.insert("word", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE, cv)
                cv.put("word1", "NEWWORD W1=Y")
                cv.put("word2", "NEWWORD W2=Y")
                database.insert("word", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE, cv)
                cv.put("word1", "NEWWORD W1=Z")
                cv.put("word2", "NEWWORD W2=Z")
                database.insert("word", OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE, cv)
        val cb = object: RoomDatabase.Callback() {
            val TAG = "DBCALLBACK"

            override fun onCreate(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                Log.d(TAG,"onCreate called")

            override fun onOpen(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                Log.d(TAG,"onOpen called")

            override fun onDestructiveMigration(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                Log.d(TAG,"onDestructiveMigration called")

        val pdc = object: PrepackagedDatabaseCallback(){
            val TAG = "PPDOPEN"
            override fun onOpenPrepackagedDatabase(db: SupportSQLiteDatabase) {
                Log.d(TAG,"Prepackaged Database has been copied and opened")
  • 注意数据库版本是1
  • 包括回调以显示何时调用以及调用什么。
  • 文件the_database.db位于资产文件夹中,并具有3行,如下所示:-


class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    lateinit var db: TheDatabase
    lateinit var dao: TheDAOs
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
        dao = db.getTheDAOs()
        for(w in dao.getAllWords()) {
            Log.d("DBINFO","Word ID is ${w.id} WORD1 is ${w.word1} WORD2 is ${w.word2}")


2023-01-02 15:26:47.055 D/PPDOPEN: Prepackaged Database has been copied and opened
2023-01-02 15:26:47.119 D/DBCALLBACK: onOpen called
2023-01-02 15:26:47.124 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 1 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_A WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_A
2023-01-02 15:26:47.124 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 2 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_B WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_B
2023-01-02 15:26:47.124 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 3 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_C WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_C


2023-01-02 15:28:27.976 D/DBCALLBACK: onOpen called
2023-01-02 15:28:27.981 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 1 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_A WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_A
2023-01-02 15:28:27.981 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 2 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_B WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_B
2023-01-02 15:28:27.981 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 3 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_C WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_C


2023-01-02 15:31:32.464 D/MIG1-2: Migration is running
2023-01-02 15:31:32.529 D/DBCALLBACK: onOpen called
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 1 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_A WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_A
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 2 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_B WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_B
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 3 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_C WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_C
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 4 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=W WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=W
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 5 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=X WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=X
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 6 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Y WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Y
2023-01-02 15:31:32.536 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 7 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Z WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Z


2023-01-02 15:34:21.336 D/DBCALLBACK: onOpen called
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 1 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_A WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_A
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 2 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_B WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_B
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 3 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_C WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_C
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 4 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=W WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=W
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 5 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=X WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=X
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 6 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Y WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Y
2023-01-02 15:34:21.342 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 7 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Z WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Z


2023-01-02 15:37:25.096 D/PPDOPEN: Prepackaged Database has been copied and opened
2023-01-02 15:37:25.113 D/MIG1-2: Migration is running
2023-01-02 15:37:25.169 D/DBCALLBACK: onOpen called
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 1 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_A WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_A
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 2 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_B WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_B
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 3 WORD1 is ORIGINALWORD1=W1_C WORD2 is  ORIGINALWORD2=W2_C
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 4 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=W WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=W
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 5 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=X WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=X
2023-01-02 15:37:25.175 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 6 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Y WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Y
2023-01-02 15:37:25.176 D/DBINFO: Word ID is 7 WORD1 is NEWWORD W1=Z WORD2 is NEWWORD W2=Z

