Lua没有这样的标准函数,需要使用一些外部库。例如,可以使用FFI库直接调用Win32API函数。以下脚本使用LuaJIT FFI:
local ffi = require'ffi' local shell32 = ffi.load'shell32' ffi.cdef[[ typedef int BOOL; typedef unsigned int DWORD; typedef unsigned int UINT; typedef intptr_t HANDLE; typedef intptr_t HWND; typedef intptr_t HICON; typedef intptr_t HINSTANCE; typedef struct {int Data[4];} GUID; typedef struct { DWORD cbSize; HWND hWnd; UINT uID; UINT uFlags; UINT uCallbackMessage; HICON hIcon; char szTip[128]; DWORD dwState; DWORD dwStateMask; char szInfo[256]; union { UINT uTimeout; UINT uVersion; }; char szInfoTitle[64]; DWORD dwInfoFlags; GUID guidItem; HICON hBalloonIcon; } NOTIFYICONDATAA; BOOL Shell_NotifyIconA( int dwMessage, NOTIFYICONDATAA * lpData ); HICON LoadIconA( HINSTANCE hInstance, intptr_t IconCode ); BOOL DestroyIcon( HICON hIcon ); HWND GetConsoleWindow(); ]] -- icon codes: -- 32512 Your application's icon -- 32513 Error ("X" inside red circle) -- 32514 Question ("?" inside blue circle) -- 32515 Warning ("!" inside yellow triangle) -- 32516 Information ("i" inside blue circle) -- 32518 Security Shield local tray_icon_code = 32516 -- Information local balloon_icon_code = 32518 -- Shield -- create tray icon local tray_icon_handle = ffi.C.LoadIconA(0, tray_icon_code) local balloon_icon_handle = ffi.C.LoadIconA(0, balloon_icon_code) local notify_icon_data = ffi.new"NOTIFYICONDATAA" notify_icon_data.cbSize = ffi.sizeof(notify_icon_data) notify_icon_data.hWnd = ffi.C.GetConsoleWindow() -- HWND of your application window notify_icon_data.uFlags = 1 + 2 -- NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON notify_icon_data.hIcon = tray_icon_handle notify_icon_data.uVersion = 4 notify_icon_data.hBalloonIcon = balloon_icon_handle shell32.Shell_NotifyIconA(0, notify_icon_data) -- NIM_ADD shell32.Shell_NotifyIconA(4, notify_icon_data) -- NIM_SETVERSION print("Tray icon added. Press Enter to continue..."); io.read() -- show notifications local function copy_string(dest_array_ptr, str) ffi.copy(dest_array_ptr, (str or ""):sub(1, ffi.sizeof(dest_array_ptr) - 1)) end local function show_notification(text, title) notify_icon_data.uFlags = 1 + 2 + 16 -- NIF_MESSAGE | NIF_ICON | NIF_INFO notify_icon_data.dwInfoFlags = 4 + 32 -- NIIF_USER | NIIF_LARGE_ICON copy_string(notify_icon_data.szInfoTitle, title) copy_string(notify_icon_data.szInfo, text) shell32.Shell_NotifyIconA(1, notify_icon_data) -- NIM_MODIFY end show_notification("some text", "some title") print("Notification displayed. Press Enter to continue..."); io.read() show_notification("first line\nsecond line", "another title") print("Another notification displayed. Press Enter to continue..."); io.read() -- notification requests generated by show_notification() are queued, -- each notification is kept on the screen for several seconds before next one is displayed -- to immediately remove the notification - remove the tray icon -- remove tray icon shell32.Shell_NotifyIconA(2, notify_icon_data) -- NIM_DELETE ffi.C.DestroyIcon(balloon_icon_handle) ffi.C.DestroyIcon(tray_icon_handle) print("Tray icon removed. Press Enter to exit..."); io.read()
以下脚本使用LuaJIT FFI: