Python RSA:将加密消息相乘,然后再次对其解密会引发DecryptionError(“解密失败”)

x33g5p2x  于 2023-01-03  发布在  Python


#Let m be the initial message
c = rsa.encrypt(m)
new_m = rsa.decrypt( Enc(2m))

现在Enc(2m) = 2^e *c mod n,所以一个懂c的用户也可以使用Enc(2m),我的python代码是这样的:

import rsa
(pub_key, priv_key) = rsa.newkeys(256)
message = 'Journalists belong' 
b_message = b'Journalist belong'        #m should be in bytes
c = rsa.encrypt(b_message, pub_key)     #this is a byte number

n = pub_key.n
c = int.from_bytes(c, byteorder ='big') #turn bytes into int
c = (pow(2, pub_key.e, n) * (c%n)) %n   #compute Enc(2m)
c = c.to_bytes(length = 256, byteorder = 'big')    #turn c back to bytes
new_m = rsa.decrypt(c, priv_key)


我们忘记了填充。rsa.encrypt(m)只是计算pow(m, e, n),而是计算pow(pkcs1_padding(m), e, n),并且内部的pkcs1_padding函数不是乘法函数。

import rsa

(pub_key, priv_key) = rsa.newkeys(256)
message = 'Journalists belong'
b_message = b'Journalist belong'  # m should be in bytes
c = rsa.encrypt(b_message, pub_key)  # this is a byte number

n = pub_key.n
c = int.from_bytes(c, byteorder='big')  # turn bytes into int

# now decrypt 'manually' to see the padding

plain_int = pow(c, priv_key.d, n)
print(plain_int.to_bytes(256 // 8, 'big').hex(' '))

c = (pow(2, pub_key.e, n) * (c % n)) % n  # compute Enc(2m)

plain_int2 = pow(c, priv_key.d, n)
print(plain_int2.to_bytes(256 // 8, 'big').hex(' '))


00 02 cb de 6a 67 41 f6 f4 6f 3e 67 a2 95 00 4a 6f 75 72 6e 61 6c 69 73 74 20 62 65 6c 6f 6e 67
00 05 97 bc d4 ce 83 ed e8 de 7c cf 45 2a 00 94 de ea e4 dc c2 d8 d2 e6 e8 40 c4 ca d8 de dc ce

