Typescript -联合类型对象数组的类型定义

huwehgph  于 2023-01-10  发布在  TypeScript


export type SelectValue<T = any> = {
  value: T;
  label: string;

type options = "email" | "sms";

//ideally make this type check fail because it does not have all of the values of the options union
const values: SelectValue<options>[]  = [
        value: "email",
        label: "Email",


For a union with only a handful of members and if you want to prohibit duplicates, then you can could generate a union of all possible acceptable tuple types, like [SelectValue<"email">, SelectValue<"sms">] | [SelectValue<"sms">, SelectValue<"email">] for your example code (see here ). But that scales very badly in the number 𝑛 of members; the union of possible tuples containing one element for each member will itself have 𝑛! members (that's 𝑛 factorial ), which gets very big, very quickly. Unions in TypeScript can only hold about 100,000 elements at most, and the compiler slows down noticeably before that. This means if you have even eight elements in your union, you'll have a bad time.
相反,在TypeScript中,你能得到的最接近的方法是编写一个泛型类型,作为数组类型的约束。也就是说,对于union U没有ExhaustiveArray<U>类型;这里有一个泛型ExhaustiveArray<T, U>类型,其中T extends ExhaustiveArray<T, U>当且仅当T是一个耗尽了U所有成员的数组,并且你需要一个helper函数来阻止你自己写出T,也就是说,你应该写const arr = exhaustiveArrayForMyUnion(...)而不是const arr: ExhaustiveArray<MyUnion> = [...]

type ExhaustiveArray<T extends readonly any[], U> =
  [U] extends [T[number]] ? T : [...T, Exclude<U, T[number]>]

const exhaustiveArray = <U,>() => <T extends readonly U[]>(
    ...t: [...T extends ExhaustiveArray<T, U> ? T : ExhaustiveArray<T, U>]) => t as T;

这里的ExhaustiveArray<T, U>conditional type,它检查并集U是否完全由数组T的所有元素的并集来计算,如果是,它的值为T(并且由于T extends T,这将是成功的)。如果不是,则它评估为在结尾处比T多一个元素的元组,包含所有缺失的元素(使用可变元组类型来追加元素,使用Exclude实用程序类型来计算缺失的元素)。
exhaustiveArray值是一个curried helper函数,它接受一个union类型U,并产生一个新函数,从传入的值中推断出T,然后进行检查。如果我们可以写<T extends ExhaustiveArray<T, U>>(...t: [...T]) => t,那就太好了,但是这是非法循环;或者如果<T extends readonly U[]>(...t: [...ExhaustiveArray<T, U>]) => t工作,那就太好了,但是编译器不能那样从t推断T;上面的版本导致编译器首先从t的值推断T,然后将其转换为ExhaustiveArray<T, U>。这种奇怪的方法的全部意义在于当你传入非穷举数组时得到一个"好"的错误消息。一个"坏"的错误消息是如果编译器只说"那个值不能赋值给never",这很烦人,因为它不能帮助开发人员知道如何修复它。

const exhaustiveSelectValueArray = exhaustiveArray<
  { [K in Options]: SelectValue<K> }[Options]>();

其中类型参数是将Options并集O1 | O2 | O3 | ... | ON转换为SelectValue<O1> | SelectValue<O2> | SelectValue<O3> | ... | SelectValue<ON>的分布式Map类型。

const values = exhaustiveSelectValueArray(
    { value: "email", label: "Email" },
    { value: "sms", label: "SMS" }
); // okay

const err = exhaustiveSelectValueArray(
    { value: "email", label: "Email" }
); // error! Expected 2 arguments, but got 1.

const err2 = exhaustiveSelectValueArray(
    { value: "email", label: "Email" },
    { value: "email", label: "SMS" }
); // error! Expected 3 arguments, but got 2.

