python DataFrame中两列的余弦相似性

3qpi33ja  于 2023-01-12  发布在  Python

我有一个2列的 Dataframe ,我特灵得到每对句子的余弦相似度得分。
Dataframe (df)

A                   B
0    Lorem ipsum ta      lorem ipsum
1    Excepteur sint      occaecat excepteur
2    Duis aute irure     aute irure


1. df["cosine_sim"] = df[["A","B"]].apply(lambda x1,x2:cosine_sim(x1,x2))

2. from spicy.spatial.distance import cosine
df["cosine_sim"] = df.apply(lambda row: 1 - cosine(row['A'], row['B']), axis = 1)


A                   B                     cosine_sim
0    Lorem ipsum ta      lorem ipsum                 0.8
1    Excepteur sint      occaecat excepteur          0.5
2    Duis aute irure     aute irure                  0.4


您需要先将句子转换为向量,此过程称为 * 文本向量化 *。执行文本向量化的方法有很多,具体取决于所需的复杂程度、语料库的外观、和预期的应用。最简单的是“词袋”(BoW),我已经在下面实现了它。一旦你理解了将句子表示为向量的含义,你就可以使用其他更复杂的方法来表示 * 词法 * 相似性。例如:

  • tf-idf,它根据单词在多个文档(或句子)中出现的频率来加权单词,您可以将其视为加权BoW方法。
  • BM25修正了tf-idf的一个缺点,即在一个短文档中单个单词的提及会产生高的“相关性”分数。它通过考虑文档的长度来实现这一点。

进一步到 * 语义 * 相似性的度量,您可以使用Doc 2 Vec [1]这样的方法,它开始使用“嵌入空间”来表示文本的语义。最近的方法如SentenceBERT [2]和Dense Passage Retrieval [3]使用基于Transformer的技术(编码器-解码器)架构[4],以允许形成“上下文感知”表示。

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "A": [
    "I'm not a party animal, but I do like animal parties.",
    "That must be the tenth time I've been arrested for selling deep-fried cigars.",
    "He played the game as if his life depended on it and the truth was that it did."
    "B": [
    "The mysterious diary records the voice.",
    "She had the gift of being able to paint songs.",
    "The external scars tell only part of the story."

# Combine all to make single corpus of text (i.e. list of sentences)
corpus = pd.concat([df["A"], df["B"]], axis=0, ignore_index=True).to_list()
# print(corpus)  # Display list of sentences

# Vectorization using basic Bag of Words (BoW) approach
vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)
# print(vectorizer.get_feature_names_out())  # Display features
vect_sents = X.toarray()

cosine_sim_scores = []
# Iterate over each vectorised sentence in the A-B pairs from the original dataframe
for A_vect, B_vect in zip(vect_sents, vect_sents[int(len(vect_sents)/2):]):
    # Calculate cosine similarity and store result
    cosine_sim_scores.append(, B_vect)/(norm(A_vect)*norm(B_vect)))
# Append results to original dataframe
df.insert(2, 'cosine_sim', cosine_sim_scores)


A                                         B  cosine_sim
0  I'm not a party animal, but...          The mysterious diary records ...    0.000000
1  That must be the tenth time...   She had the gift of being able to pa...    0.084515
2  He played the game as if hi...  The external scars tell only part of ...    0.257130


[1] Le,Q.和Mikolov,T.,2014年6月。句子和文档的分布式表示。机器学习国际会议(第1188-1196页)。PMLR。
[2] N.赖默斯和I.古列维奇,2019年。句子-伯特:使用连体伯特网络的句子嵌入。arXiv预印本arXiv:1908.10084。
Karpukhin,V.,Oğuz,B.,Min,S.,刘易斯,P.,Wu,L.,Edunov,S.,Chen,D.和Yih,W.T.,2020.用于开放领域问答的密集段落检索. arXiv预印本arXiv:2004.04906.
[4] Vaswani,A.,Shazeer,N.,Parmar,N.,Uszkoreit,J.,Jones,L.,Gomez,A.N.,Kaiser,.和Polosukhin,I.,2017。注意力是你所需要的一切。神经信息处理系统的进展,30。
