
13z8s7eq  于 2023-01-20  发布在  其他
    • bounty将在6天后过期**。回答此问题可获得+300声望奖励。Paul Brodersen希望引起更多人对此问题的关注:下面@adrianop01的答案推导并实现了约束函数的雅可比行列式。不幸的是,这并没有改善优化的运行时间。这个奖励是为了引起对我的问题的第二部分的注意,即推导并实现成本函数的雅可比行列式。我将奖励给一个答案,要么为成本函数构建当前形式的雅可比行列式,或者实质上改善优化的运行时间。





def cost_function(positions):
    return 1. / np.sum((pdist(positions.reshape((-1, 2))))**power)

result = minimize(cost_function, initial_positions.flatten(), method='SLSQP',
                  jac="2-point", constraints=[nonlinear_constraint])
  • positions是(x,y)元组的(解开的)numpy数组。
  • power是限制大距离的影响(以鼓励紧凑的节点布局)的较小的数,但是为了该问题的目的,可以假设为1。
  • pdistscipy.spatial中的成对距离函数。


lower_bounds = ... # (squareform of an) (N, N) distance matrix of the sum of node sizes (i.e. nodes should not overlap)
upper_bounds = ... # (squareform of an) (N, N) distance matrix constructed from the given edge lengths

def constraint_function(positions):
    positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
    return pdist(positions)

nonlinear_constraint = NonlinearConstraint(constraint_function, lb=lower_bounds, ub=upper_bounds, jac='2-point')

在几个Math Stackexchange帖子(12)之后,我计算了成对距离函数的雅可比行列式,如下所示:

def delta_constraint(positions):
        positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
        total_positions = positions.shape[0]
        delta = positions[np.newaxis, :, :] - positions[:, np.newaxis, :]
        distance = np.sqrt(np.sum(delta ** 2, axis=-1))
        jac = delta / distance[:, :, np.newaxis]
        squareform_indices = np.triu_indices(total_positions, 1)
        return jac[squareform_indices]

nonlinear_constraint = NonlinearConstraint(constraint_function, lb=lower_bounds, ub=upper_bounds, jac=delta_constraint)



我希望避免使用autograd/jax/numdifftools(如在this question中),因为我希望保持我的库的依赖项数量较小。


#!/usr/bin/env python
Create a node layout with fixed edge lengths but unknown node positions.

import numpy as np

from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

def get_geometric_node_layout(edges, edge_length, node_size=0., power=0.2, maximum_iterations=200, origin=(0, 0), scale=(1, 1)):
    """Node layout for defined edge lengths but unknown node positions.

    Node positions are determined through non-linear optimisation: the
    total distance between nodes is maximised subject to the constraint
    imposed by the edge lengths, which are used as upper bounds.
    If provided, node sizes are used to set lower bounds.

    edges : list
        The edges of the graph, with each edge being represented by a (source node ID, target node ID) tuple.
    edge_lengths : dict
        Mapping of edges to their lengths.
    node_size : scalar or dict, default 0.
        Size (radius) of nodes.
        Providing the correct node size minimises the overlap of nodes in the graph,
        which can otherwise occur if there are many nodes, or if the nodes differ considerably in size.
    power : float, default 0.2.
        The cost being minimised is the inverse of the sum of distances.
        The power parameter is the exponent applied to each distance before summation.
        Large values result in positions that are stretched along one axis.
        Small values decrease the influence of long distances on the cost
        and promote a more compact layout.
    maximum_iterations : int
        Maximum number of iterations of the minimisation.
    origin : tuple, default (0, 0)
        The (float x, float y) coordinates corresponding to the lower left hand corner of the bounding box specifying the extent of the canvas.
    scale : tuple, default (1, 1)
        The (float x, float y) dimensions representing the width and height of the bounding box specifying the extent of the canvas.

    node_positions : dict
        Dictionary mapping each node ID to (float x, float y) tuple, the node position.

    # TODO: assert triangle inequality

    # TODO: assert that the edges fit within the canvas dimensions

    # ensure that graph is bi-directional
    edges = edges + [(target, source) for (source, target) in edges] # forces copy
    edges = list(set(edges))

    # upper bound: pairwise distance matrix with unknown distances set to the maximum possible distance given the canvas dimensions
    lengths = []
    for (source, target) in edges:
        if (source, target) in edge_length:
            lengths.append(edge_length[(source, target)])
            lengths.append(edge_length[(target, source)])

    sources, targets = zip(*edges)
    nodes = sources + targets
    unique_nodes = set(nodes)
    indices = range(len(unique_nodes))
    node_to_idx = dict(zip(unique_nodes, indices))
    source_indices = [node_to_idx[source] for source in sources]
    target_indices = [node_to_idx[target] for target in targets]

    total_nodes = len(unique_nodes)
    max_distance = np.sqrt(scale[0]**2 + scale[1]**2)
    distance_matrix = np.full((total_nodes, total_nodes), max_distance)
    distance_matrix[source_indices, target_indices] = lengths
    distance_matrix[np.diag_indices(total_nodes)] = 0
    upper_bounds = squareform(distance_matrix)

    # lower bound: sum of node sizes
    if isinstance(node_size, (int, float)):
        sizes = node_size * np.ones((total_nodes))
    elif isinstance(node_size, dict):
        sizes = np.array([node_size[node] if node in node_size else 0. for node in unique_nodes])

    sum_of_node_sizes = sizes[np.newaxis, :] + sizes[:, np.newaxis]
    sum_of_node_sizes -= np.diag(np.diag(sum_of_node_sizes)) # squareform requires zeros on diagonal
    lower_bounds = squareform(sum_of_node_sizes)

    def cost_function(positions):
        return 1. / np.sum((pdist(positions.reshape((-1, 2))))**power)

    def constraint_function(positions):
        positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
        return pdist(positions)

    initial_positions = _initialise_geometric_node_layout(edges)
    nonlinear_constraint = NonlinearConstraint(constraint_function, lb=lower_bounds, ub=upper_bounds, jac='2-point')
    result = minimize(cost_function, initial_positions.flatten(), method='SLSQP',
                      jac="2-point", constraints=[nonlinear_constraint], options=dict(maxiter=maximum_iterations))

    if not result.success:
        print("Warning: could not compute valid node positions for the given edge lengths.")
        print(f"scipy.optimize.minimize: {result.message}.")

    node_positions_as_array = result.x.reshape((-1, 2))
    node_positions = dict(zip(unique_nodes, node_positions_as_array))
    return node_positions

def _initialise_geometric_node_layout(edges):
    sources, targets = zip(*edges)
    total_nodes = len(set(sources + targets))
    return np.random.rand(total_nodes, 2)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    def plot_graph(edges, node_layout):
        # poor man's graph plotting
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        for source, target in edges:
            x1, y1 = node_layout[source]
            x2, y2 = node_layout[target]
            ax.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], color='darkgray')

    # triangle with right angle

    edges = [
        (0, 1),
        (1, 2),
        (2, 0)

    lengths = {
        (0, 1) : 3,
        (1, 2) : 4,
        (2, 0) : 5,

    pos = get_geometric_node_layout(edges, lengths, node_size=0)

    plot_graph(edges, node_layout=pos)


    # square

    edges = [
        (0, 1),
        (1, 2),
        (2, 3),
        (3, 0),

    lengths = {
        (0, 1) : 0.5,
        (1, 2) : 0.5,
        (2, 3) : 0.5,
        (3, 0) : 0.5,

    pos = get_geometric_node_layout(edges, lengths, node_size=0)

    plot_graph(edges, node_layout=pos)




#!/usr/bin/env python
Create a node layout with fixed edge lengths but unknown node positions.

import numpy as np

from itertools import combinations
from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform

from netgraph._node_layout import _rescale_to_frame

def get_geometric_node_layout(edges, edge_length, node_size=0., power=0.2, maximum_iterations=200, origin=(0, 0), scale=(1, 1)):
    """Node layout for defined edge lengths but unknown node positions.

    Node positions are determined through non-linear optimisation: the
    total distance between nodes is maximised subject to the constraint
    imposed by the edge lengths, which are used as upper bounds.
    If provided, node sizes are used to set lower bounds.

    edges : list
        The edges of the graph, with each edge being represented by a (source node ID, target node ID) tuple.
    edge_lengths : dict
        Mapping of edges to their lengths.
    node_size : scalar or dict, default 0.
        Size (radius) of nodes.
        Providing the correct node size minimises the overlap of nodes in the graph,
        which can otherwise occur if there are many nodes, or if the nodes differ considerably in size.
    power : float, default 0.2.
        The cost being minimised is the inverse of the sum of distances.
        The power parameter is the exponent applied to each distance before summation.
        Large values result in positions that are stretched along one axis.
        Small values decrease the influence of long distances on the cost
        and promote a more compact layout.
    maximum_iterations : int
        Maximum number of iterations of the minimisation.
    origin : tuple, default (0, 0)
        The (float x, float y) coordinates corresponding to the lower left hand corner of the bounding box specifying the extent of the canvas.
    scale : tuple, default (1, 1)
        The (float x, float y) dimensions representing the width and height of the bounding box specifying the extent of the canvas.

    node_positions : dict
        Dictionary mapping each node ID to (float x, float y) tuple, the node position.

    # TODO: assert triangle inequality

    # TODO: assert that the edges fit within the canvas dimensions

    # ensure that graph is bi-directional
    edges = edges + [(target, source) for (source, target) in edges] # forces copy
    edges = list(set(edges))

    # upper bound: pairwise distance matrix with unknown distances set to the maximum possible distance given the canvas dimensions
    lengths = []
    for (source, target) in edges:
        if (source, target) in edge_length:
            lengths.append(edge_length[(source, target)])
            lengths.append(edge_length[(target, source)])

    sources, targets = zip(*edges)
    nodes = sources + targets
    unique_nodes = set(nodes)
    indices = range(len(unique_nodes))
    node_to_idx = dict(zip(unique_nodes, indices))
    source_indices = [node_to_idx[source] for source in sources]
    target_indices = [node_to_idx[target] for target in targets]

    total_nodes = len(unique_nodes)
    max_distance = np.sqrt(scale[0]**2 + scale[1]**2)
    distance_matrix = np.full((total_nodes, total_nodes), max_distance)
    distance_matrix[source_indices, target_indices] = lengths
    distance_matrix[np.diag_indices(total_nodes)] = 0
    upper_bounds = squareform(distance_matrix)

    # lower bound: sum of node sizes
    if isinstance(node_size, (int, float)):
        sizes = node_size * np.ones((total_nodes))
    elif isinstance(node_size, dict):
        sizes = np.array([node_size[node] if node in node_size else 0. for node in unique_nodes])

    sum_of_node_sizes = sizes[np.newaxis, :] + sizes[:, np.newaxis]
    sum_of_node_sizes -= np.diag(np.diag(sum_of_node_sizes)) # squareform requires zeros on diagonal
    lower_bounds = squareform(sum_of_node_sizes)
    invalid = lower_bounds > upper_bounds
    lower_bounds[invalid] = upper_bounds[invalid] - 1e-8

    def cost_function(positions):
        # return -np.sum((pdist(positions.reshape((-1, 2))))**power)
        return 1. / np.sum((pdist(positions.reshape((-1, 2))))**power)

    def cost_jacobian(positions):
        # TODO

    def constraint_function(positions):
        positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
        return pdist(positions)

    # adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/75154395/2912349
    total_pairs = int((total_nodes - 1) * total_nodes / 2)
    source_indices, target_indices = np.array(list(combinations(range(total_nodes), 2))).T # node order thus (0,1) ... (0,N-1), (1,2),...(1,N-1),...,(N-2,N-1)
    rows = np.repeat(np.arange(total_pairs).reshape(-1, 1), 2, axis=1)
    source_columns = np.vstack((source_indices*2, source_indices*2+1)).T
    target_columns = np.vstack((target_indices*2, target_indices*2+1)).T

    def constraint_jacobian(positions):
        positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
        pairwise_distances = constraint_function(positions)
        jac = np.zeros((total_pairs, 2 * total_nodes))
        jac[rows, source_columns] = (positions[source_indices] - positions[target_indices]) / pairwise_distances.reshape((-1, 1))
        jac[rows, target_columns] = -jac[rows, source_columns]
        return jac

    initial_positions = _initialise_geometric_node_layout(edges, edge_length)
    nonlinear_constraint = NonlinearConstraint(constraint_function, lb=lower_bounds, ub=upper_bounds, jac=constraint_jacobian)
    result = minimize(cost_function, initial_positions.flatten(), method='SLSQP',
                      jac='2-point', constraints=[nonlinear_constraint], options=dict(maxiter=maximum_iterations))
    # result = minimize(cost_function, initial_positions.flatten(), method='trust-constr',
    #                   jac=cost_jacobian, constraints=[nonlinear_constraint])

    if not result.success:
        print("Warning: could not compute valid node positions for the given edge lengths.")
        print(f"scipy.optimize.minimize: {result.message}.")

    node_positions_as_array = result.x.reshape((-1, 2))
    node_positions_as_array = _rescale_to_frame(node_positions_as_array, np.array(origin), np.array(scale))
    node_positions = dict(zip(unique_nodes, node_positions_as_array))
    return node_positions

# # slow
# def _initialise_geometric_node_layout(edges, edge_length=None):
#     sources, targets = zip(*edges)
#     total_nodes = len(set(sources + targets))
#     return np.random.rand(total_nodes, 2)

# much faster
def _initialise_geometric_node_layout(edges, edge_length=None):
    """Initialises the node positions using the FR algorithm with weights.
    Shorter edges are given a larger weight such that the nodes experience a strong attractive force."""

    from netgraph import get_fruchterman_reingold_layout
    if edge_length:
        edge_weight = dict()
        for edge, length in edge_length.items():
            edge_weight[edge] = 1 / length
        edge_weight = None
    node_positions = get_fruchterman_reingold_layout(edges)
    return np.array(list(node_positions.values()))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from time import time
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import networkx as nx # pip install networkx

    from netgraph import Graph # pip install netgraph

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)

    g = nx.random_geometric_graph(50, 0.3, seed=2)
    node_positions = nx.get_node_attributes(g, 'pos')
    plot_instance = Graph(g,
                          node_size=1, # netgraph rescales node sizes by 0.01
    ax1.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
    ax1.set_title('Original node positions')

    def get_euclidean_distance(p1, p2):
        return np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array(p1)-np.array(p2))**2))

    edge_length = dict()
    for (source, target) in g.edges:
        edge_length[(source, target)] = get_euclidean_distance(node_positions[source], node_positions[target])

    tic = time()
    new_node_positions = get_geometric_node_layout(list(g.edges), edge_length, node_size=0.01)
    toc = time()

    print(f"Time elapsed : {toc-tic}")

    ax2.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])
    ax2.set_title('Reconstructed node positions')








该代码是不言自明的,我们将雅可比矩阵作为一个MxN np.zeros矩阵开始,并且只更新与当前2范数函数/点对相关的那些条目(因此,每行4次更新)。

from itertools import combinations

n_pt = len(initial_positions) #N
n_ptpair = len(upper_bounds) #total number of pointpairs, M

idx_pts= np.array(list(combinations(range(n_pt),2))) #point id order thus in (0,1) ... (0,N-1), (1,2),...(1,N-1),...,(N-2,N-1)
idx_pt1= np.array(idx_pts[:,0]) 
idx_pt2= np.array(idx_pts[:,1])

row_idx = np.repeat(np.arange(n_ptpair).reshape(-1,1),2,axis=1)
col1_idx = np.vstack((idx_pt1*2,idx_pt1*2+1)).T
col2_idx = np.vstack((idx_pt2*2,idx_pt2*2+1)).T

def delta_constraint(positions):
  positions = np.reshape(positions, (-1, 2))
  pairdist = constraint_function(positions) #pairwise R2 distance between each point pair
  jac = np.zeros((n_ptpair,2*n_pt)) #(M,(x0,y0,x1,y1,...,xc,yc...,xN,yN))
  jac[row_idx,col1_idx] = (positions[idx_pt1]-positions[idx_pt2])/pairdist.reshape((-1,1))
  jac[row_idx,col2_idx] = -jac[row_idx,col1_idx]
  return jac



2.代码中的正方形x1c4d 1x

edges = [
        (0, 1),
        (1, 2),
        (2, 3),
        (3, 0),
        (3, 1),
        (4, 1),
        (5, 1),
        (5, 2),

    lengths = {
        (0, 1) : 0.5,
        (1, 2) : 0.5,
        (2, 3) : 0.5,
        (3, 0) : 0.5,
        (3, 1) : 0.8,
        (4, 1) : 0.8,
        (5, 1) : 0.2,
        (5, 2) : 1,
