
3duebb1j  于 2023-01-22  发布在  .NET

现在,考虑一下我们在网页上写了以下关于某人留下的评论:“此评论是在3个月零12天前写的”。即使语句完全相同,这两种情况下的天数也总是不同的。在情况1中,“3个月零12天”等于102 days。但是,在情况2中,“3个月零12天”将等于104 days

  • 三月有十天,
  • 一月有一天(从30号算到31号)。
  • 二月是一个月,不管它有多少天(即使它是28天)。

因此,这意味着总共10天+1天+1个月,转换为This comment was posted 1 Month and 11 Days ago
现在,如果您使用MS样式TimeSpan对象(或任何语言中的任何TimeSpan对象),它将为您提供从1月30日到3月10日的天数(39天),并且因为TimeSpan对象不存储相对日期(我们减去基准/初始日期得到TimeSpan),如果你问它已经过了多少个月和多少天,它会假设一个月有30天,最坏的情况是,平均值大于30天,然后以天为单位返回其余的值,因此要返回39天,它会告诉您已经过了1个月零9天,您将收到This comment was posted 1 Month and 9 Days ago消息。请记住,这两种情况都具有相同的开始日期和相同的当前/结束日期,是的,Microsoft TimeSpan对象,不允许我们告诉它应该考虑2013年2月,给了我们一个完全不同的时间跨度,整整偏离了2天。实际上,它欺骗了我们。
您真正需要做的就是在timeSpan对象上创建另一个属性,为它提供一个计算差值的基准日期,然后上面可爱的字符串将非常容易计算,并且.year & .month将存在!




public static class TimeSpanExtensions
    public static int GetYears(this TimeSpan timespan)
        return (int)(timespan.Days/365.2425);
    public static int GetMonths(this TimeSpan timespan)
        return (int)(timespan.Days/30.436875);



**编辑:**在我看来,Noda Time可能拥有您所需的工具-Period类“[r]代表一段时间,以人类的时间顺序表示:小时、天、周、月等等”,特别是Period.Between(then, now, PeriodUnits.AllUnits)似乎是你所要求的精确计算--但它必然是一个比TimeSpan复杂得多的类。野田时间维基上的Key Concepts page解释了“人类如何把时间弄得一团糟”:




C# function giving everything

private string GetElapsedTime(DateTime from_date, DateTime to_date) {
int years;
int months;
int days;
int hours;
int minutes;
int seconds;
int milliseconds;

// Handle the years.
years = to_date.Year - from_date.Year;

// See if we went too far.
DateTime test_date = from_date.AddMonths(12 * years);

if (test_date > to_date)
    test_date = from_date.AddMonths(12 * years);

// Add months until we go too far.
months = 0;

while (test_date <= to_date)
    test_date = from_date.AddMonths(12 * years + months);


// Subtract to see how many more days, hours, minutes, etc. we need.
from_date = from_date.AddMonths(12 * years + months);
TimeSpan remainder = to_date - from_date;
days = remainder.Days;
hours = remainder.Hours;
minutes = remainder.Minutes;
seconds = remainder.Seconds;
milliseconds = remainder.Milliseconds;

return (years > 0 ? years.ToString() + " years " : "") +
       (months > 0 ? months.ToString() + " months " : "") +
       (days > 0 ? days.ToString() + " days " : "") +
       (hours > 0 ? hours.ToString() + " hours " : "") +
       (minutes > 0 ? minutes.ToString() + " minutes " : "");}


Here is the main answer with code, please note that you can get any number of dates/times accuracy, seconds & minutes, or seconds, minutes and days, anywhere up to years (which would contain 6 parts/segments). If you specify top two and it's over a year old, it will return "1 year and 3 months ago" and won't return the rest because you've requested two segments. if it's only a few hours old, then it will only return "2 hours and 1 minute ago". Of course, same rules apply if you specify 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 segmets (maxes out at 6 because seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years only make 6 types). It will also correct grammer issues like "minutes" vs "minute" depending on if it's 1 minute or more, same for all types, and the "string" generated will always be grammatically correct.
Here are some examples for use: bAllowSegments identifies how many segments to show... ie: if 3, then return string would be (as an example)... "3 years, 2 months and 13 days" (won't include hours, minutes and seconds as the top 3 time categories are returned), if however, the date was a newer date, such as something a few days ago, specifying the same segments (3) will return "4 days, 1 hour and 13 minutes ago" instead, so it takes everything into account!
if bAllowSegments is 2 it would return "3 years and 2 months" and if 6 (maximum value) would return "3 years, 2 months, 13 days, 13 hours, 29 minutes and 9 seconds" , but, be reminded that it will NEVER RETURN something like this "0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 13 seconds ago" as it understands there is no date data in the top 3 segments and ignores them, even if you specify 6 segments, so don't worry :). Of course, if there is a segment with 0 in it, it will take that into account when forming the string, and will display as "3 days and 4 seconds ago" and ignoring the "0 hours" part! Enjoy and please comment if you like.

Public Function RealTimeUntilNow(ByVal dt As DateTime, Optional ByVal bAllowSegments As Byte = 2) As String
  ' bAllowSegments identifies how many segments to show... ie: if 3, then return string would be (as an example)...
  ' "3 years, 2 months and 13 days" the top 3 time categories are returned, if bAllowSegments is 2 it would return
  ' "3 years and 2 months" and if 6 (maximum value) would return "3 years, 2 months, 13 days, 13 hours, 29 minutes and 9 seconds"
  Dim rYears, rMonths, rDays, rHours, rMinutes, rSeconds As Int16
  Dim dtNow = DateTime.Now
  Dim daysInBaseMonth = Date.DaysInMonth(dt.Year, dt.Month)

  rYears = dtNow.Year - dt.Year
  rMonths = dtNow.Month - dt.Month
  If rMonths < 0 Then rMonths += 12 : rYears -= 1 ' add 1 year to months, and remove 1 year from years.
  rDays = dtNow.Day - dt.Day
  If rDays < 0 Then rDays += daysInBaseMonth : rMonths -= 1
  rHours = dtNow.Hour - dt.Hour
  If rHours < 0 Then rHours += 24 : rDays -= 1
  rMinutes = dtNow.Minute - dt.Minute
  If rMinutes < 0 Then rMinutes += 60 : rHours -= 1
  rSeconds = dtNow.Second - dt.Second
  If rSeconds < 0 Then rSeconds += 60 : rMinutes -= 1

  ' this is the display functionality
  Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
  Dim iSegmentsAdded As Int16 = 0

  If rYears > 0 Then sb.Append(rYears) : sb.Append(" year" & If(rYears <> 1, "s", "") & ", ") : iSegmentsAdded += 1
  If bAllowSegments = iSegmentsAdded Then GoTo parseAndReturn

  If rMonths > 0 Then sb.AppendFormat(rMonths) : sb.Append(" month" & If(rMonths <> 1, "s", "") & ", ") : iSegmentsAdded += 1
  If bAllowSegments = iSegmentsAdded Then GoTo parseAndReturn

  If rDays > 0 Then sb.Append(rDays) : sb.Append(" day" & If(rDays <> 1, "s", "") & ", ") : iSegmentsAdded += 1
  If bAllowSegments = iSegmentsAdded Then GoTo parseAndReturn

  If rHours > 0 Then sb.Append(rHours) : sb.Append(" hour" & If(rHours <> 1, "s", "") & ", ") : iSegmentsAdded += 1
  If bAllowSegments = iSegmentsAdded Then GoTo parseAndReturn

  If rMinutes > 0 Then sb.Append(rMinutes) : sb.Append(" minute" & If(rMinutes <> 1, "s", "") & ", ") : iSegmentsAdded += 1
  If bAllowSegments = iSegmentsAdded Then GoTo parseAndReturn

  If rSeconds > 0 Then sb.Append(rSeconds) : sb.Append(" second" & If(rSeconds <> 1, "s", "") & "") : iSegmentsAdded += 1


  ' if the string is entirely empty, that means it was just posted so its less than a second ago, and an empty string getting passed will cause an error
  ' so we construct our own meaningful string which will still fit into the "Posted * ago " syntax...

  If sb.ToString = "" Then sb.Append("less than 1 second")

  Return ReplaceLast(sb.ToString.TrimEnd(" ", ",").ToString, ",", " and")

 End Function

Of course, you will need a "ReplaceLast" function, which takes a source string, and an argument specifying what needs to be replaced, and another arg specifying what you want to replace it with, and it only replaces the last occurance of that string... i've included my one if you don't have one or dont want to implement it, so here it is, it will work "as is" with no modification needed. I know the reverseit function is no longer needed (exists in .net) but the ReplaceLast and the ReverseIt func are carried over from the days, so please excuse how dated it may look (still works 100% tho, been using em for over ten years, can guarante they are bug free)... :). Also, if you are using VB6, you can use StrReverse (wrapping it around the string extended with the .ReverseIt extension method), instead of using the ReverseIt() function (provided as an extension method). So, instead of doing sReplacable.ReverseIt, you'd do StrReverse(sReplacable) as StrReverse() is a built in VB6 function (and does the exact same thing, reverses a given string, and does nothing more). If you use StrReverse() instead of my generic ReverseIt function, feel free to delete the ReverseIt function/extension. StrReverse() function should be available in .NET as long as you are importing the legacy ms-visualbasic-dll library. Makes no difference either way, I had written ReverseIt() before I even know a StrReverse() function had existed, and had been using it ever since out of habit (no real reason to use mine as opposed to the in-built generic function StrReverse) - in fact, I'm sure StrReverse (or a similar, newer .NET specific version of a string reversing function) would be written to be more efficient :). cheers.

<Extension()> _ 
Public Function ReplaceLast(ByVal sReplacable As String, ByVal sReplaceWhat As String, ByVal sReplaceWith As String) As String 
    ' let empty string arguments run, incase we dont know if we are sending and empty string or not. 
    sReplacable = sReplacable.ReverseIt 
    sReplacable = Replace(sReplacable, sReplaceWhat.ReverseIt, sReplaceWith.ReverseIt, , 1) ' only does first item on reversed version! 
    Return sReplacable.ReverseIt.ToString 
End Function 

<Extension()> _ 
Public Function ReverseIt(ByVal strS As String, Optional ByVal n As Integer = -1) As String 
    Dim strTempX As String = "", intI As Integer 

    If n > strS.Length Or n = -1 Then n = strS.Length 

    For intI = n To 1 Step -1 
        strTempX = strTempX + Mid(strS, intI, 1) 
    Next intI 

    ReverseIt = strTempX + Right(strS, Len(strS) - n) 

End Function


使用.Net 4.5和CultureInfo类,可以向给定日期添加月份和年份。

DateTime datetime = DateTime.UtcNow;
int years = 15;
int months = 7;

DateTime yearsAgo = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.AddYears(datetime, -years);
DateTime monthsInFuture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.AddMonths(datetime, months);


public static DateTime AddYears(this DateTime datetime, int years)
    return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.AddYears(datetime, years);

public static DateTime AddMonths(this DateTime datetime, int months)
    return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.AddMonths(datetime, months);

DateTime yearsAgo = datetime.AddYears(-years);
DateTime monthsInFuture = datetime.AddMonths(months);


我认为当前TimeSpan是一个真实的时间跨度对象,即2008年1月1日1:31 a.m.到2008年2月3日6:45 a.m.之间的时间量与2008年2月5日1:45 p.m.到2008年3月9日6:59 p.m.之间的时间量相同。实际上,您要查找的是两个日期时间之间的差值。




public static string ElapsedTime(DateTime dtEvent)
    TimeSpan TS = DateTime.Now - dtEvent;

    int intYears = TS.Days / 365;
    int intMonths = TS.Days / 30;
    int intDays = TS.Days;
    int intHours = TS.Hours;
    int intMinutes = TS.Minutes;
    int intSeconds = TS.Seconds;

    if (intYears > 0) return String.Format("há {0} {1}", intYears, (intYears == 1) ? "ano" : "anos");
    else if (intMonths > 0) return String.Format("há {0} {1}", intMonths, (intMonths == 1) ? "mês" : "meses");
    else if (intDays > 0) return String.Format("há {0} {1}", intDays, (intDays == 1) ? "dia" : "dias");
    else if (intHours > 0) return String.Format("há ± {0} {1}", intHours, (intHours == 1) ? "hora" : "horas");
    else if (intMinutes > 0) return String.Format("há ± {0} {1}", intMinutes, (intMinutes == 1) ? "minuto" : "minutos");
    else if (intSeconds > 0) return String.Format("há ± {0} {1}", intSeconds, (intSeconds == 1) ? "segundo" : "segundos");
        return String.Format("em {0} às {1}", dtEvent.ToShortDateString(), dtEvent.ToShortTimeString());


我接受了被接受的答案,并将其从VB .NET转换为C#,同时也做了一些修改/改进。我去掉了字符串反转(用于替换字符串的最后一个示例),并使用了一个扩展方法,可以更直接地查找和替换字符串的最后一个示例。

PeriodBetween(#2/28/2011#, DateTime.UtcNow, 6)


public static string PeriodBetween(DateTime then, DateTime now, byte numberOfPeriodUnits = 2)
    // Translated from VB.Net to C# from:

    // numberOfPeriodUnits identifies how many time period units to show.
    // If numberOfPeriodUnits = 3, function would return:
    //      "3 years, 2 months and 13 days"
    // If numberOfPeriodUnits = 2, function would return:
    //      "3 years and 2 months"
    // If numberOfPeriodUnits = 6, (maximum value), function would return:
    //      "3 years, 2 months, 13 days, 13 hours, 29 minutes and 9 seconds"

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits > 6 || numberOfPeriodUnits < 1)
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Parameter [{nameof(numberOfPeriodUnits)}] is out of bounds. Valid range is 1 to 6.");

    short Years = 0;
    short Months = 0;
    short Days = 0;
    short Hours = 0;
    short Minutes = 0;
    short Seconds = 0;
    short DaysInBaseMonth = (short)(DateTime.DaysInMonth(then.Year, then.Month));

    Years = (short)(now.Year - then.Year);

    Months = (short)(now.Month - then.Month);
    if (Months < 0)
        Months += 12;
        Years--; // add 1 year to months, and remove 1 year from years.

    Days = (short)(now.Day - then.Day);
    if (Days < 0)
        Days += DaysInBaseMonth;

    Hours = (short)(now.Hour - then.Hour);
    if (Hours < 0)
        Hours += 24;

    Minutes = (short)(now.Minute - then.Minute);
    if (Minutes < 0)
        Minutes += 60;

    Seconds = (short)(now.Second - then.Second);
    if (Seconds < 0)
        Seconds += 60;

    // This is the display functionality.
    StringBuilder TimePeriod = new StringBuilder();
    short NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded = 0;

    if (Years > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" year" + (Years != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ");

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits == NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded)
        goto ParseAndReturn;

    if (Months > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" month" + (Months != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ");

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits == NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded)
        goto ParseAndReturn;

    if (Days > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" day" + (Days != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ");

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits == NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded)
        goto ParseAndReturn;

    if (Hours > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" hour" + (Hours != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ");

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits == NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded)
        goto ParseAndReturn;

    if (Minutes > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" minute" + (Minutes != 1 ? "s" : "") + ", ");

    if (numberOfPeriodUnits == NumberOfPeriodUnitsAdded)
        goto ParseAndReturn;

    if (Seconds > 0)
        TimePeriod.Append(" second" + (Seconds != 1 ? "s" : "") + "");

    // If the string is empty, that means the datetime is less than a second in the past.
    // An empty string being passed will cause an error, so we construct our own meaningful
    // string which will still fit into the "Posted * ago " syntax.

    if (TimePeriod.ToString() == "")
        TimePeriod.Append("less than 1 second");

    return TimePeriod.ToString().TrimEnd(' ', ',').ToString().ReplaceLast(",", " and");


public static string ReplaceLast(this string source, string search, string replace)
    int pos = source.LastIndexOf(search);

    if (pos == -1)
        return source;

    return source.Remove(pos, search.Length).Insert(pos, replace);
