
dpiehjr4  于 2023-01-27  发布在  其他


Option Explicit

Public Sub Example()
    Dim Trial As Integer, Trials As Integer, DataSet As Integer
    Dim TrialChecker As Boolean
    Dim StartTime As Double, WaitTime As Double
    Dim StartDate As Date
    Dim FileSaveName As String
    Dim CopiedDataRange As Range
    Dim SummaryRunTimes As Worksheet, Calcs As Worksheet, CutoffsShifts As Worksheet
    Dim SheetObjects() As Worksheet
    Dim IntermediaryWorkbook As Workbook, Summary As Workbook, Template As Workbook
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    'The 1 and Trials are actually set by Lbound and Ubound funcitons, but the premise is the same
    For Trial = 1 To Trials
        Set Summary = ActiveWorkbook
        'I use this one sheet to keep track of how long different parts of the code take to run
        Set SummaryRunTimes = Summary.Worksheets(1)
        SummaryRunTimes.Name = "Run Times"
        SummaryRunTimes.Cells(1, 1).Value = "ID"
        SummaryRunTimes.Cells(1, 2).Value = "Data Copy Time (s)"
        SummaryRunTimes.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Formula Copy and Calc Time (s)"
        SummaryRunTimes.Cells(1, 4).Value = "Summary Copy Time (s)"
        SummaryRunTimes.Cells(1, 5).Value = "Save and Cleanup Time (s)"
        'sheetnames is defined elsewhere in the code (it's a global variable right now. I intend to change that later).
        'It's simply an array of strings with six elements.
        For Counter = LBound(sheetnames) To UBound(sheetnames)
            Summary.ActiveSheet.Name = sheetnames(Counter)
        Next Counter
        'Again, TemplateLocation is defined elsewhere. It's just a string grabbed from a filedialog
        Workbooks.Open (TemplateLocation)
        Set Template = ActiveWorkbook
        Set Calcs = Template.Sheets("Calcs")
        Set CutoffsShifts = Template.Sheets("Log Cutoffs & Shifts")
        'SheetObjects is simply used as a convenient reference for various sheets in the template file. I found
        'it cleaned up the code a bit. Some might say it's unnecessary.
        For Counter = LBound(sheetnames) To UBound(sheetnames)
            Set SheetObjects(Counter) = Template.Sheets(sheetnames(Counter))
        Next Counter
        'This is where the parameters for the given trial are set in the template file. Trialchecker is set elsewhere
        '(it checks a yes/no dropdown in the original spreadsheet). ParameterAddresses is a range that's grabbed from a
        'table object in the original spreadsheet and contains where these parameters go in the template file. These
        'will not change depending on the trial, thus column = 1. TrialParameters is in the same table, and are the
        'parameters themselves. These DO depend on the trial, and thus the column is equal to the trial number
        If TrialChecker = True Then
            For Counter = LBound(ParameterAddresses) To UBound(ParameterAddresses)
                CutoffsShifts.Range(ParameterAddresses(Counter, 1)).Value = TrialParameters(Counter, Trial)
            Next Counter
        End If
        For DataSet = 1 To IntermediaryWorkbook.Worksheets.Count - 1
            'This is where I start my timers
            StartTime = Timer
            StartDate = Date
            'This is where the data is actually copied from the intermediary file into the template. It's always five
            'columns wide, but can be any number of rows. the SummaryRunTimes statement is merely grabbing the unique
            'identifier of that given worksheet
            With IntermediaryWorkbook
                Set CopiedDataRange = Calcs.Range("$A$3:$E$" & .Worksheets(Counter).UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1)
                CopiedDataRange.Value = IntermediaryWorkbook.Worksheets(Counter).Range("$A$2:$E$" & .Worksheets(Counter).UsedRange.Rows.Count).Value
                SummaryRunTimes.Cells(Counter + 1, 1) = Calcs.Cells(3, 1).Value
            End With
            'First timestamp
            SummaryRunTimes.Cells(Counter + 1, 2) = CStr(Round(86400 * (Date - StartDate) + Timer - StartTime, 1))
            StartTime = Timer
            StartDate = Date
            'This statement copies down the formulas that go with the data (which is aobut 100 columsn worth of formuals).
            'Throughout this process, calculation is set to manual, so calculation is manually triggered here (Don't ask
            'me why I do it twice. If I recall, it's because pivot tables are weird)
            Set CopiedFormulaRange = Calcs.Range("$F$3:$KL$" & Calcs.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
            'Second timestamp
            SummaryRunTimes.Cells(Counter + 1, 3) = CStr(Round(86400 * (Date - StartDate) + Timer - StartTime, 1))
            StartTime = Timer
            StartDate = Date
            'This is a separate function that copies data from the template file into the summary sheet.
            'I know you can't see the code, but just know that it only copies six sets of seven cells, so
            'as far as I can tell, it's not what is causing the problem. The timestamp supports this idea, as
            'it's consistent and short
            Call SummaryPopulate(Summary, sheetnames, SheetObjects, r)
            r = r + 1
            'Third timestamp
            SummaryRunTimes.Cells(Counter + 1, 4) = CStr(Round(86400 * (Date - StartDate) + Timer - StartTime, 1))
            StartTime = Timer
            StartDate = Date
            'These following few lines are meant to save the template file as a new file. As I mentioned, this is where
            'things get bogged down. FileNameSuffix is a string set via a InputBox. TrialNames is set via the table object
            'mentioned above, and is an array of strings.
            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
            If TrialChecker = True Then
                FileSaveName = FolderLocation & "\" & Replace(Calcs.Cells(3, 1).Value, "/", " ") & " OOIP " & FileNameSuffix & " - " & TrialNames(1, Trial) & ".xlsm"
                FileSaveName = FolderLocation & "\" & Replace(Calcs.Cells(3, 1).Value, "/", " ") & " OOIP " & FileNameSuffix & ".xlsm"
            End If
            Template.SaveAs Filename:=FileSaveName, ConflictResolution:=xlLocalSessionChanges
            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
            'This part clears the copied data and formulas. I added the two Set Nothing lines in the hopes that it would
            'solve my problem, but it doesn't seem to do anything
            CopiedDataRange.Offset(1, 0).Rows.Delete
            Set CopiedDataRange = Nothing
            Set CopiedFormulaRange = Nothing
            'Fourth and final timestamp
            SummaryRunTimes.Cells(Counter + 1, 5) = CStr(Round(86400 * (Date - StartDate) + Timer - StartTime, 1))
            'It seems to run a bit better if there's this Wait line here, but I'm not sure why. The WaitTime
            'is grabbed from the original worksheet, and is a Double
            Application.Wait (TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), Second(Now()) + WaitTime))
        Next DataSet
        'This but simply saves the summary file and then closes that and the template file. Then the process starts anew.
        'This seems to be the key for resetting something that reduces the run times.
        If TrialChecker = True Then
            Summary.SaveAs Filename:=FolderLocation & "\" & "OOIP Summary " & FileNameSuffix & " - " & TrialNames(1, Trial) & ".xlsx"
            Summary.SaveAs Filename:=FolderLocation & "\" & "OOIP Summary " & FileNameSuffix & ".xlsx"
        End If
        Template.Close False
        Summary.Close False
    Next Trial
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    IntermediaryWorkbook.Close False
End Sub


