PHP traits -定义默认常量[重复]

vojdkbi0  于 2023-02-07  发布在  PHP
    • 此问题在此处已有答案**:

PHP traits - defining generic constants(7个答案)

abstract class BaseClass{
    const NAME = '<default name>';

    public function sayHello(){
        printf("Hello! My name is %s\n", static::NAME);

// will use default constant value
class SomeClass extends BaseClass{}

// constant value is overridden
class OtherClass extends BaseClass{
    const NAME = 'Stephen Hawking';

(new SomeClass())->sayHello(); // Hello! My name is <default name>
(new OtherClass())->sayHello(); // Hello! My name is Stephen Hawking

但是如果我用trait代替abstract class

PHP Fatal error:  Traits cannot have constants in /mnt/tmpfs/1.php on line 4





PHP Fatal error:  OtherClass and SayTrait define the same property ($name) in the composition of OtherClass. However, the definition differs and is considered incompatible. Class was composed in /mnt/tmpfs/1.php on line 19

所以possible workaroud是在父类中使用trait,然后从父类扩展目标类。

trait SayTrait {
    public static $name = '<default name>';

    public function sayHello(){
        printf("Hello! My name is %s\n", static::$name);

class SomeClass{
    use SayTrait;

// added as workaround.
abstract class ParentClass{
    use SayTrait;
// I have to move using trait to parent class to avoid Fatal Error
class OtherClass extends ParentClass {
    public static $name = 'Stephen Hawking';

(new SomeClass())->sayHello();
(new OtherClass())->sayHello();

另一个解决方案是如果类常量没有定义,使用方法本身硬编码的值。不幸的是,空合并操作符(??)不适用于常量,所以我不得不使用defined +三元操作符(多亏了

trait SayTrait {

    public function sayHello(){
        printf("Hello! My name is %s\n", defined('static::NAME')? static::NAME : '<default name>');


class SomeClass{
    use SayTrait;

class OtherClass {
    use SayTrait;
    const NAME = 'Stephen Hawking';

(new SomeClass())->sayHello();
(new OtherClass())->sayHello();
