SQL Server Given a directed graph with a set of connected vertices, find all reachable nodes from any vertex

ih99xse1  于 2023-02-18  发布在  其他

Having a sample graph ( yEd live ):

These two basic tables defined on SQL Server 2019:

create table nodes (id varchar(100), name varchar(15)) as NODE;
create table connections (id varchar(100), from_id varchar(100), to_id varchar(100)) as EDGE;

Trying to query all reachable nodes, I created this table value function:

CREATE FUNCTION calculateNetworkForNode(
    @DiscoverScenarioFor VARCHAR(15)
returns @network TABLE (base varchar(15), pathToNode varchar(max), networkMember varchar(15))

    INSERT @network
    SELECT base, pathToNode, networkMember
    FROM (
            nodes.name as base,
            STRING_AGG(nodes2.name, '->') WITHIN GROUP (GRAPH PATH) AS pathToNode,
            LAST_VALUE(nodes2.name) WITHIN GROUP (GRAPH PATH) AS networkMember
            connections FOR PATH,
            nodes FOR PATH AS nodes2
        WHERE MATCH(SHORTEST_PATH(nodes(-(connections)->nodes2)+))
        AND nodes.name = @DiscoverScenarioFor
    ) AS Q
    WHERE Q.networkMember != @DiscoverScenarioFor

    insert into @network (base, pathToNode, networkMember) values (@DiscoverScenarioFor, null, @DiscoverScenarioFor)


Running this function with the A node, I can get all reachable nodes downstream:

| base | pathToNode | networkMember |
| A    | B          | B             |
| A    | E          | E             |
| A    | E->F       | F             |
| A    | B->C       | C             |
| A    | B->C->D    | D             |
| A    |            | A             |

(Known issue: if F had any other inbound links, this would already not work.)

Running the same function above with node F results in a rather boring table of:

| base | pathToNode | networkMember |
| F    |            | F             |

The goal is to modify this function or create a new one to generate the complete network including all connected nodes. So searching with A or F or any other member of these connected nodes, should always results in the same set of nodes: A,B,C,D,E,F

I had another helper function:

SELECT @csv = (SELECT STRING_AGG(n.networkMember, ',') as csv
                   FROM (select top 1000 * from calculateNetworkForNode(@DiscoverScenarioFor) c order by c.networkMember asc) as [n])

Which turns the above result to a csv string, but the initial issue is still present: the query only sees the downstream nodes and not all of the connected members.


A query results: A, B, C, D, E, F
B query results: B,C,D
C query results: C,D
D query results: D
E query results: E,F
F query results: F

Any pointers are welcome, where to look/what to read up on to find a solution how all of these queries with the different members could return the same A,B,C,D,E,F network.



It looks like you want to interpret the graph as an undirected graph, while your current solution interprets the graph as directed.

A pragmatic solution could be to create a view v_connections which includes all the connections and their reverse.

So something like:

create view c_connections as
select id, from_id, to_id
from connections
select concat(id, '<'), to_id, from_id
from connections;

And then replace connections in your current procedure with v_connections .
