So, I have a df which comes from a Kaggle survey. The columns I am interested in are :
| country | gender | id |
| ------------ | ------------ | ------------ |
| USA | Woman | 5612 |
| Germany | Man | 5613 |
| USA | non-binary | 5614 |
| India | Man | 5615 |
What I want to do now is plot a grouped bar chart of the top 10 countries (meaning top number of participants in the survey) showing the gender distribution of each top 10 country.
I managed to get a result close to what I want:
data_gender = df.groupby(['country', 'gender']).count().sort_values('id', ascending=False).reset_index()
fig = px.histogram(data_gender, x='county_residence', y="id",
color='gender', barmode='group', height=400)
It results in exactly what I want: several bars representing the different gender categories per country.
plot I get with code above
BUT I just can't figure out how to only show the plot for the top 10 countries of participant count.
It did find out which countries are in the top 10 with:
dftop10 = df.groupby(['country']).size().to_frame('count').sort_values('count', ascending = False).reset_index()
and also like so:
df_top10 = df.value_counts("county_residence")
top10 = df_top10.head(10).index.tolist()
genders = df[df['county_residence'].isin(top10)].groupby('gender').count()['id']
But I am running down dead ends. When I get to find the top 10 countries, I loose the info about each gender category. How can I
- find the top 10 countries by overall participant count
- get a subset of the data with all data on only those countries with counts for each gender category per country
- and then with that run that plot code again?
I have been trying to figure this out for hours now. Please help me solve this :)
While identifying the countries, you can pick just the first 10 rows using
. While plotting, filter the data_gender column to show only those countries. That should do it...Output with random data