
g6ll5ycj  于 2023-03-02  发布在  Shell

我已经下载了这个powershell脚本,它将Power BI报告内容复制到一个新文件中,但是我不知道应该在哪里输入SourceReportId、SourceWorkspaceId、TargetReportId、TargetWorkspaceId等参数值。

    Function: Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile
    Author: @JamesDBartlett3 (James D. Bartlett III)

    - This script will copy the contents of a published Power BI 
      report into a new report published from a blank PBIX 
    - This solves the problem where a Power BI report originally 
      created in the web browser cannot be downloaded from the 
      Power BI service as a PBIX file.

  .PARAMETER SourceReportId 
    The ID of the report to copy from

  .PARAMETER SourceWorkspaceId
    The ID of the workspace to copy from

  .PARAMETER TargetReportId
    The ID of the report to copy to

  .PARAMETER TargetWorkspaceId
    The ID of the workspace to copy to

  .PARAMETER BlankPbix 
    Local path (or URL) to a blank PBIX file to upload and copy the source report's contents into

    Local path to save the new PBIX file to

    Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile -SourceReportId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -SourceWorkspaceId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -TargetReportId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -TargetWorkspaceId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"

    This function does NOT require Azure AD app registration, 
    service principal creation, or any other special setup.
    The only requirements are:
      - The user must be able to run PowerShell (and install the
        MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt module, if it's not already installed).
      - The user must be allowed to download report PBIX files
        (see: "Download reports" setting in the Power BI Admin Portal).
      - The user must have "Contributor" or higher permissions 
        on the source and target workspace(s).
      - Testing
      - Add usage, help, and examples.
      - Rename the function to something more accurate to its current capabilities.
      This PS function was inspired by a blog article written by 
      one of the top minds in the Power BI space, Mathias Thierbach.
      And if you're not already using his pbi-tools for Power BI
      version control, you should check it out: https://pbi.tools

Function Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile {
  #Requires -PSEdition Core
  #Requires -Modules MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$SourceReportId,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string]$SourceWorkspaceId,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$TargetReportId,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$TargetWorkspaceId = $SourceWorkspaceId,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$BlankPbix,
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string]$OutFile
  $headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
  [string]$blankPbixTempFile = Join-Path -LiteralPath $env:TEMP -ChildPath "blank.pbix"
  [array]$validPbixContents = @("Layout", "Metadata")
  [bool]$blankPbixIsUrl = $BlankPbix.StartsWith("http")
  [bool]$localFileExists = Test-Path $BlankPbix
  [bool]$remoteFileIsValid = $false
  [bool]$localFileIsValid = $false
  [bool]$defaultFileIsValid = $false
  Function FileIsBlankPbix($file) {
    $zip = [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::OpenRead($file)
    $fileIsPbix = @($validPbixContents | Where-Object {$zip.Entries.Name -Contains $_}).Count -gt 0
    $fileIsBlank = (Get-Item $file).length / 1KB -lt 20
    if($fileIsPbix -and $fileIsBlank) {
      Write-Debug "$file is a valid blank pbix file."
      return $true
    else {
      Write-Error "$file is NOT a valid blank pbix file."
      return $false
  # If user did not specify a target report ID, use a blank PBIX file
  if(!$TargetReportId) {

    # If user specified a URL to a file, download and validate it as a blank PBIX file
    if ($blankPbixIsUrl){
      Write-Debug "Downloading file: $BlankPbix..."
      Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BlankPbix -OutFile $blankPbixTempFile
      Write-Debug "Validating downloaded file..."
      $remoteFileIsValid = FileIsBlankPbix($blankPbixTempFile)
    # If user specified a local path to a file, validate it as a blank PBIX file
    elseif ($localFileExists) {
      Write-Debug "Validating user-supplied file: $BlankPbix..."
      $localFileIsValid = FileIsBlankPbix($BlankPbix)
    # If user didn't specify a blank PBIX file, check for a valid blank PBIX in the temp location
    elseif (Test-Path $blankPbixTempFile) {
      Write-Debug "Validating pbix file found in temp location: $blankPbixTempFile..."
      $defaultFileIsValid = FileIsBlankPbix($blankPbixTempFile)
    # If user did not specify a blank PBIX file, and a valid blank PBIX is not in the temp location,
    # download one from GitHub and check if it's valid and blank
    else {
      Write-Debug "Downloading a blank pbix file from GitHub to $blankPbixTempFile..."
      $BlankPbixUri = "https://github.com/JamesDBartlett3/PowerBits/raw/main/Misc/blank.pbix"
      Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BlankPbixUri -OutFile $blankPbixTempFile
      $defaultFileIsValid = FileIsBlankPbix($blankPbixTempFile)
    # If we downloaded a valid blank PBIX file, use it.
    if ($remoteFileIsValid -or $defaultFileIsValid) {
      $BlankPbix = $blankPbixTempFile
    # If a valid blank PBIX file could not be obtained by any of the above methods, throw an error.
    if (!$TargetReportId -and !$localFileIsValid -and !$remoteFileIsValid -and !$defaultFileIsValid) {
      Write-Error "No targetReportId specified & no valid blank PBIX file found. Please specify one or the other."
    [bool]$pbixIsValid = ($localFileIsValid -or $remoteFileIsValid -or $defaultFileIsValid)
  try {
    $headers = Get-PowerBIAccessToken
  catch {
    Write-Output "Power BI Access Token required. Launching authentication dialog..."
    Start-Sleep -s 1
    Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
    $headers = Get-PowerBIAccessToken
  finally {
    Write-Debug "Target Report ID is null: $(!$TargetReportId)"
    $pbiApiBaseUri = "https://api.powerbi.com/v1.0/myorg"
    # If a valid blank PBIX was found, publish it to the target workspace
    if ($pbixIsValid) {
      Write-Debug "Publishing $BlankPbix to target workspace..."
      $publishResponse = New-PowerBIReport -Path $BlankPbix -WorkspaceId $TargetWorkspaceId -ConflictAction CreateOrOverwrite
      Write-Debug "Response: $publishResponse"
      $TargetReportId = $publishResponse.Id
    # Assemble the UpdateReportContent API URI and request body
    $updateReportContentEndpoint = "$pbiApiBaseUri/groups/$TargetWorkspaceId/reports/$TargetReportId/UpdateReportContent"
    $body = @"
        "sourceReport": {
          "sourceReportId": "$SourceReportId",
          "sourceWorkspaceId": "$SourceWorkspaceId"
        "sourceType": "ExistingReport"
    # Update the target report with the source report's content
    $headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $updateReportContentEndpoint -Method POST -Headers $headers -Body $body
    # If user did not specify an output file, use the source report's name
    $sourceReportName = (Get-PowerBIReport -Id $SourceReportId -WorkspaceId $SourceWorkspaceId).Name
    $OutFile = $OutFile ?? "$($sourceReportName)_Clone.pbix"
    # Export the target report to a PBIX file
    Export-PowerBIReport -WorkspaceId $TargetWorkspaceId -Id $response.id -OutFile $OutFile
    # Assemble the Datasets API URI
    $datasetsEndpoint = "$pbiApiBaseUri/groups/$TargetWorkspaceId/datasets"





# Assumes the script is located in the current directory
. .\Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile.ps1


Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile -?


Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile -SourceReportId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -SourceWorkspaceId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -TargetReportId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -TargetWorkspaceId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"

如果查看参数定义,只有-SourceReportId-SourceWorkspaceId是强制的(Mandatory = $true),因此如果对您的用例有意义,可以省略其他参数。

Copy-PowerBIReportContentToBlankPBIXFile -SourceReportId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" -SourceWorkspaceId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"
